What is the placard number for sulfuric acid?

What is the placard number for sulfuric acid?

Corrosive Placard, UN 1832, Tagboard, Pack of 25

Regulatory Agency DOT
UN Number 1832
Hazard Class Name Corrosive
Hazard Class Number 8
Commodity Sulfuric Acid, Spent

What is the health hazard rating for sulfuric acid?

Chemical Identifiers

Diamond Hazard Value
0 3 2 W Health 3
Flammability 0
Instability 2
Special W

What is the guide no for Placard ID NO 1040?

UN Numbers 0000 through 1060

UN# Guide Name of Material
1040 119 P Ethylene oxide
1040 119 P Ethylene oxide with Nitrogen
1041 115 Carbon dioxide and Ethylene oxide mixture, with more than 9% but not more than 87% Ethylene oxide
1041 115 Carbon dioxide and Ethylene oxide mixtures, with more than 6% Ethylene oxide

What does placard 1830 mean?

UN 1830. 8. Sulfuric acid with more than 51 percent acid.

What does placard 1824 mean?

Sodium Hydroxide Solution
The identification number of 1824 corresponds solely to the proper shipping name for: Sodium Hydroxide Solution. So, what we have here is a cargo tank with a capacity of approximately 5,000 gallons displaying hazard class 8 corrosive material placards and the identification number for Sodium Hydroxide Solution.

What is erg128?

128. POTENTIAL HAZARDS. FIRE OR EXPLOSION. • HIGHLY FLAMMABLE: Will be easily ignited by heat, sparks or flames.

How is Sulphuric acid handled?

Proper Sulfuric Acid Storage and Disposal Sulfuric acid or products that contain concentrated sulfuric acid should be stored in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Sulfuric acid should not be stored indoors in large quantities, to prevent the possible accumulation of vapors.

How do you handle Sulphuric acid?

Personal Precautions: Acid resistant protective clothing and gloves. Sleeves and pant legs should be worn outside, not tucked into gloves and rubber boots. Use close-fitting safety goggles or a combination of safety goggles and a face shield where splashing is a possibility.

What is the guide number for flammable gas?

Flammable gas placards display UN 1075, hazard class 2, and meet hazmat placarding requirements.

What is the ERG Guide number for 1.4 items?

For Class 1.4 and 1.6 explosives, use GUIDE 114.

What is Sulphuric acid used for?

In various concentrations the acid is used in the manufacture of fertilizers, pigments, dyes, drugs, explosives, detergents, and inorganic salts and acids, as well as in petroleum refining and metallurgical processes.

What does un1263 mean?

Get specific when shipping potentially dangerous liquids with Labelmaster’s UN 1263 (Paint) Flammable Liquid Placards. Pre-printed with a UN Number, these Hazard Class 3 placards meet the requirements of 49 CFR 172.500 for domestic and international shipments of hazardous materials by highway, rail and water.

What are the Chemical Identifiers of sulfuric acid?

Chemical Identifiers CAS Number UN/NA Number DOT Hazard Label USCG CHRIS Code 7664-93-9 1830 Corrosive SFA NIOSH Pocket Guide International Chem Safety Card International Chem Safety Card International Chem Safety Card Sulfuric acid SULFURIC ACID SULFURIC ACID SULFURIC ACID

What are the symptoms of sulfuric acid exposure?

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Sulfuric Acid Exposure: Signs and symptoms of acute ingestion of sulfuric acid may be severe and include salivation, intense thirst, difficulty in swallowing, pain, and shock. Oral, esophageal, and stomach burns are common. Vomitus generally has a coffee-ground appearance.

Which is more dangerous sulfuric acid or allyl chloride?

Sulfuric acid (concentrated) is extremely hazardous in contact with carbides, bromates, chlorates, fulminates, picrates, and powdered metals [Haz. Chem. Data 1966]. Allyl chloride may polymerize violently under conditions involving an acid catalyst, such as sulfuric acid [Ventrone 1971].

What happens if your eyes come in contact with sulfuric acid?

If the eyes have come in contact with sulfuric acid, irritation, pain, swelling, corneal erosion, and blindness may result. Dermal exposure may result in severe burns, pain, and dermatitis (red, inflamed skin). Emergency Life-Support Procedures: Acute exposure to sulfuric acid may require decontamination and life support for the victims.

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