What is the moral lesson of the movie The Notebook?

What is the moral lesson of the movie The Notebook?

It makes you believe in that true love and it makes you believe that if it has to be yours then it will be yours no matter what happens. It teaches you never to give up on the person you love. It teaches you that life isn’t perfect as a whole. And life really is just a series of perfect moments strung together.

What can we learn from the notebook?

34 Lessons “The Notebook” Taught Us About Love

  • Don’t be too shy to tell someone how you really feel.
  • Going to the movies is usually a safe first date, if you can concentrate on the actual movie.
  • Be adventurous and try new things, even if they seem a little scary at first.

What Men Can Learn From the notebook?

Ten lessons The Notebook can teach men


What is the main theme of the notebook?

The first and most important theme is: Love conquers all. Although this idea is sometimes overworked, in this particular work, it is the most prevalent theme of all. No matter how many setbacks Allie and Noah faced, their love always brought them together again.

What is the notebook about short summary?

In 1940s South Carolina, mill worker Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling) and rich girl Allie (Rachel McAdams) are desperately in love. But her parents don’t approve. When Noah goes off to serve in World War II, it seems to mark the end of their love affair. In the interim, Allie becomes involved with another man (James Marsden). But when Noah returns to their small town years later, on the cusp of Allie’s marriage, it soon becomes clear that their romance is anything but over.
The Notebook/Film synopsis

How is Alzheimer’s portrayed in the notebook?

The Notebook Allie has Alzheimer’s disease. Noah believes that reading to her helps her remember. The doctor tells him it is pointless, but one night after finishing their love story, Allie remembers everything perfectly and seems like her old self again.

Why is the notebook unrealistic?

Experts see the relationship that Allie and Noah have as unrealistic. Noah bends over backward for Allie — he writes her letters every day and builds her the house of her dreams, but they actually barely know each other. That just sets everyone`s expectations too high about what a perfect partner should be like.

What is the summary of The Notebook?

Was notebook a true story?

‘The Notebook’ was inspired by the grandparents of Sparks’ ex-wife. As it turns out, Showbiz Cheatsheet tells us that “The Notebook” is actually based on a real-life love story: the relationship between the grandparents of author Nicholas Sparks’ ex-wife, Cathy Sparks. Her grandparents were married for over 60 years.

What happens in the end of the notebook book?

The Notebook Eventually, Noah professes his undying and eternal love in one final letter. Noah travels north to find gainful employment and to escape the ghost of Allie, and eventually he goes off to war. After serving his country, he returns home to restore an old farmhouse.

What Mental Illness Does the notebook have?

Allie’s type of dementia is never defined in the movie, however the majority of the audience likely identifies with Alzheimer’s dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia which gradually worsens over time. The Notebook depicts Allie as having complete memory loss of her past.

What’s the story behind the movie The Notebook?

Powered by JustWatch. ‘The Notebook” cuts between the same couple at two seasons in their lives. We see them in the urgency of young romance, and then we see them as old people, she disappearing into the shadows of Alzheimer’s, he steadfast in his love. It is his custom every day to read to her from a notebook that tells the story

What did Roger Ebert say about the notebook?

It is his custom every day to read to her from a notebook that tells the story of how they met and fell in love and faced obstacles to their happiness. Sometimes, he says, if only for a few minutes, the clouds part and she is able to remember who he is and who the story is about. We all wish Alzheimer’s could permit such moments.

Why are the characters in the notebook so emotional?

The characters in The Notebook have a lot of experiences with emotions, stress, and health. This movie is extremely emotional, there are angry fights, many tear-jerking moments, and joyful moments. Noah feels a lot of stress because no matter what he attempts, he can’t stop being in love with Allie.

What is the psychology of the book The Notebook?

Allie feels a lot of stress from her parents controlling ways and from having to pick between two men both vying for her love. Later on, health becomes an issue that will be discussed in the next paragraph. The Notebook also touches on the learning and memory point of psychology when Allie develops Alzheimer’s.

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