What is the moral lesson of Stand and Deliver?

What is the moral lesson of Stand and Deliver?

Two of the core messages are that (1) inspired students can achieve wonders if they have teachers who have high expectations and (2) something very good for math education and for the Latino community happened at Garfield High while Mr. Escalante taught there.

What is the overall message of Stand and Deliver?

It has infected Garfield High, where Escalante still holds his standards high and dares kids to follow. “Stand and Deliver” itself, with its message of the soaring rewards of learning, aims high and delivers perhaps a B+.

What is the major test they are studying for in Stand and Deliver?

Jaime Escalante is a mathematics teacher in a school in a Hispanic neighbourhood. Convinced that his students have potential, he adopts unconventional teaching methods help gang members and no-hopers pass the rigorous Advanced Placement exam in calculus.

What are the themes in Stand and Deliver?

Great movie depicting the issues of racism and education. Principle: anyone can be taught! Teachers must work as hard as their students if they want their students to succeed. A student needs ganas (desire) to conquer goals.

Did the students cheat in Stand and Deliver?

Twelve students, including the nine with the identical mistakes, retook the exam, and most of them received the top 4 and 5 scores. Mathews concluded that nine of the students did cheat, but they knew the material and did not need to.

Did they cheat in Stand and Deliver?

Is the movie Stand and deliver a true story?

Directed by Ramon Menendez, Stand and Deliver is a chef-d’oeuvre based on true story of Jaime Escalante. As the film opens, Jaime A. Escalante takes up a teaching job at Garfield High school. He leaves his regular, steady and peaceful job to teach mathematics in a rowdy school.

Who is the director of stand and deliver?

Director: Ramon Menendez. Stand and Deliver is inspirational to all students. It also shows how, with hard work, the barriers a disadvantaged background can be overcome. There is a clear and obvious use of several literary devices.

What happens at the end of stand and deliver?

As the movies ends, Escalante’s slogan ‘stand and deliver’ is achieved when student pass the Education Testing Exams. This happens immediately after the students’ change their attitude towards Escalante and views him as a mentor. Some students even attend Calculus lessons during the holidays.

Who is the teacher in stand and deliver?

This film is a dramatization of the efforts of a math teacher, Jaime Escalante, at Garfield High School in Los Angeles, whose motivational skills and teaching techniques brought academic success to students accustomed to failure.

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