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What is the message from the Oracle at Delphi?
In Oedipus Rex, the message from the Oracle of Delphi is that for the plague to end, the murderer of Laius must be brought to justice.
What did the Oracle of Delphi predict?
The Oracle at Delphi The priestess sat on a special three-legged bronze bowl. She would go into a trance and give the god’s answer, although these were not always easy to understand. One prediction stated that “a wall of wood” would save Athens from a Persian invasion.
What is the story of the Oracle of Delphi?
Delphi was an ancient religious sanctuary dedicated to the Greek god Apollo. Developed in the 8th century B.C., the sanctuary was home to the Oracle of Delphi and the priestess Pythia, who was famed throughout the ancient world for divining the future and was consulted before all major undertakings.
What was the Oracle of Delphi say about Socrates?
The oracle told socrates that he is the wisest man in Athens and this is what started his career in fulfilling his philosophy. This is what made him so wise because he claimed to know nothing.
Was the Oracle of Delphi a virgin?
The Pythia was the priestess at Delphi and among other things, she had to be a virgin (pathenos), or at least originally. We also know that inscribed on the forecourt temple of Apollo was the maxim “Know Thyself”.
What did the oracle at Delphi say of Socrates What did this lead Socrates to do and what conclusion did he come to about the oracle’s statement?
-his behavior stems from a prophecy by the oracle at Delphi which claimed that he was the wisest of all men. Socrates said that he must be wiser than other men only in that he knows that he knows nothing. Socrates is aware of the greater truth, that people go somewhere after death.
What were the 2 monumental events in Socrates?
In this lecture we investigate the life of Socrates. In particular, we look at two monumental events in his life: his encounter with the oracle at Delphi which pronounced him to be the wisest of all men, and his trial and subsequent execution.
What was the power of the oracle of Delphi?
Ancient historical references consistently describe an intoxicating gas, produced by a cavern in the ground, as the source of the power at the oracle of Delphi. These ancient writings are supported by a series of associated geological findings.
Why was the Pythia at the Delphic oracle trancelike?
We believe the probable cause of the trancelike state of the Priestess (the Pythia) at the oracle of Delphi during her mantic sessions was produced by inhaling ethylene gas or a mixture of ethylene and ethane from a naturally occurring vent of geological origin. Only surviving depiction of the Pythia from the time when the oracle was active. …
Who was the Oracle in the temple of Apollo?
The Oracle of Delphi was an important Greek priestess and soothsayer who practiced divination in the Temple of Apollo at the ancient sanctuary of Delphi on Mount Parnassus. Also known as the Pythia, the oracle was a real woman carefully selected by the priests of the sanctuary.
What did the Delphic oracle tell Arcesilaus to do?
The exiled king Arcesilaus enquired at Delphi about the possibility of returning to Cyrene. The oracle foretold that his family would remain in power for eight generations, but added a personal message to the king: As for yourself, when you return to your country, be gentle.