Table of Contents
- 1 What is the medical term for cartilage?
- 2 What do you mean by the term cartilage?
- 3 What is the best definition of cartilage?
- 4 What is cartilage short answer?
- 5 What does the root word MYEL mean?
- 6 Which definition describes cartilage quizlet?
- 7 What is cartilage in biology class 9?
- 8 What combining form means joint?
- 9 What are facts about cartilage?
- 10 What are three types of cartilage and their functions?
- 11 What is the primary function of cartilage?
What is the medical term for cartilage?
Chondr/o = Cartilage. ✹ Oste/o/chondr/itis: inflammation of bone and. cartilage. ✹ Chondr/ectomy : excision of cartilage.
What do you mean by the term cartilage?
Cartilage: Firm, rubbery tissue that cushions bones at joints. A flexible kind of cartilage makes up other parts of the body, such as the larynx and the outside parts of the ears.
Which root word refers to cartilage?
1st Root Word: chondr/o. 1st Root Definition: cartilage.
What is the best definition of cartilage?
The definition of cartilage is tough, whitish tissue that is almost fully replaced by bone as someone grows into an adult. A strong, flexible connective tissue that is found in various parts of the body, including the joints, the outer ear, and the larynx.
What is cartilage short answer?
Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue found in many parts of the body. It can bend a bit, but resists stretching. Its main function is to connect bones together. It is also found in the joints, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, the throat and between the bones of the back.
What prefix means joint?
Arthro-: A prefix meaning joint, as in arthropathy and arthroscopic. Before a vowel, it becomes arthr-, as in arthralgia and arthritis. From the Greek word arthron for joint.
What does the root word MYEL mean?
Myel- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “marrow” or “of the spinal cord.” It is often used in medical terms. Marrow is a soft, fatty, vascular tissue in the interior cavities of bones that is a major site of blood cell production. Myel- comes from the Greek myelós, meaning “marrow.”
Which definition describes cartilage quizlet?
Cartilage is nonvascular supporting connective tissue located chiefly in joints and the thorax, trachea, nose, and ear.
What is cartilage short answer Class 6?
What are cartilages? Ans: Some additional parts of the skeleton which are not as hard as bones and are elastic in nature and can be bent are called cartilages, e.g. cartilage of ear.
What is cartilage in biology class 9?
Hint: Cartilage is the part of the connective tissue, where it is usually, semi-rigid, and flexible and it is present in the almost all parts of the human body, and it is avascular, the parts where cartilage present are bones, nose, intervertebral disc, etc.
What combining form means joint?
Arthro- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “joint” or “jointed.” It is often used in medical and scientific terms. Arthro- comes from the Greek árthron, meaning “a joint.” Related to arthro- and deriving from a Greek word based on árthron is arthritis, “acute or chronic inflammation of the joint.”
What is the prefix of rheumatoid?
Rheumatology is a weird field. Just look at the origin of the word “rheumatology.” The prefix “rheuma,” meaning “to flow,” was first used by a Greek physician 2000 years ago, referring to the phlegm that flows from the nose when a person is ill.
What are facts about cartilage?
Cartilage is a specialized type of tissue found in joints and areas that two bones come together. It is made up of specialized cells that live in the midst of proteins and sugars that absorb and release water similar to a sponge.
What are three types of cartilage and their functions?
It’s softer and more flexible than bone. Cartilage gives support and structure to other bodily tissues. It also helps to cushion your joints. There are three different types of cartilage in your body: hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, and fibrocartilage.
What is the difference between cartilage and bone?
The main difference between bone and cartilage is that bone is a type of strong and nonflexible connective tissue whereas cartilage is a type of flexible connective tissue. There are two types of bones known as compact bone and spongy bone. The three types of cartilages are hyaline cartilage, fibro cartilage, and elastic cartilage.
What is the primary function of cartilage?
Functions of cartilage: Cartilage shields muscles and bones from smearing against almost every at joint parts. Cartilage furthermore serves the shape of people’s ears and also noses along with other bodily structures. One example is, the trachea would fall in without the cartilage strips going down its length.