What is the meaning of the word Quinte?

What is the meaning of the word Quinte?

French (kɛ̃t) noun. the fifth of eight basic positions from which a parry or attack can be made in fencing.

What is e mail in French?

The Académie Française (French Academy) chose courriel, pronounced “koo ryehl” as the official French word for “email,” but that doesn’t necessarily mean the French person on the street uses it. Courriel is a singular masculine noun (plural: courriels) signifying internet email, both the message and the system.

What does Couriel mean in French?

[kuʀjɛl ] masculine noun. e-mail ⧫ E-mail ⧫ email.

What is the word type in French?

[ˈtaɪp ] 1. (= kind) genre m ⧫ type m.

Is Quinte a Scrabble word?

Yes, quinte is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is Quante?

Adverb. quante. (interrogative adverb) how much, how many.

What does contact mean in French?

[ˈkɒntækt] 1. (= communication) contact m. to be in contact with sb être en contact avec qn.

What does pseudo in French mean?

pseudo, (surnom) nickname, the ~ Noun. ‐ A user-friendly name displayed in place of a network location, e-mail address, or other, more formal name.

How do you address an email to France?

If you’re not acquainted with the recipient, use Bonjour monsieur / madame,, meaning ‘Hello Sir / Ma’am’. When writing to your boss, you should use the formal ‘you’, which is vous in French….Formal Greetings.

French Pronunciation Meaning
Bien à vous bee-an a voo yours sincerely
Cordialement kor-dee-a-lö-mon best regards

Which word use in French for bank?

une banque
The French word for bank is une banque and if you’re in one, then you’re probably doing some banking (bancaire). If you need to use the ATM machine (cash dispenser), you can say un guichet automatique de banque (literally, ‘an automatic bank window’) or simplify it and say un GAB.

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