What is the meaning of the medical term corpus?

What is the meaning of the medical term corpus?

Corpus: The body of the uterus.

What is Corpus and examples?

The definition of corpus is a dead body or a collection of writings of a specific type or on a specific topic. An example of corpus is a dead animal. An example of corpus is a group of ten sentence examples for the same word. A large collection of writings of a specific kind or on a specific subject.

What declension is Corpus Latin?

Latin: corpus, corpor-is n. English : body/substance/flesh/corpse/person/individual

NOM. corpus corpora
GEN. corporis corporum
DAT. corpori corporibus
ACC. corpus corpora

What does corpus mean in a trust?

The “body” of the trust (corpus is latin for “body”), this is the property that is transferred into the trust.

What is a corpus used for?

A corpus is a principled collection of authentic texts stored electronically that can be used to discover information about language that may not have been noticed through intuition alone.

What does the Bible mean by just?

(especially in Biblical use) righteous. actual, real, or genuine.

What gender is Corpus in Latin?

The word retained the original Latin neuter gender. It is one of the few Dutch words ending on -us that is not masculine.

What is the synonym for Corpus?

noun. 1’his work has no parallel in the whole corpus of Renaissance poetry’ collection, compilation, body, entity, whole, aggregation, mass.

Why is it called habeas corpus?

Where does writ of habeas corpus come from? Attested as an English legal borrowing by the 1460s, habeas corpus literally means in Latin “you shall have the body,” or person, in court, and a writ is a formal order under seal, issued in the name of a sovereign, government, court, or other competent authority.

What does corporis mean in Latin?

A fungal infection involving areas of the skin not covered by hair, characterized by a pink to red rash and often considerable itching, and usually caused by species of Trichophyton or Microsporum ; ringworm of the body. [ New Latin : Medieval Latin tinea, tinea + Latin corporis, genitive of corpus, body.]

What is the meaning of the Latin word corpus?

corpus – Computer Definition. Latin for “body,” corpus refers to a collection of items. Any very large body of work that is written (text), spoken or on video can be called a corpus. The Web is a gigantic corpus.

What is Corpus English language?

The Corpus uses their own language with an alphabet of modified Roman numeral like letters with varied distinct shapes for an industrial look. The spoken language heavily relies on consonants, using only a small subset of the phonetic sounds produced in the English language .

What is Corpus wikipedia?

Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy. [edit on Wikidata] The corpus callosum (Latin for “tough body”), also callosal commissure, is a wide, thick, nerve tract consisting of a flat bundle of commissural fibers, beneath the cerebral cortex in the brain. The corpus callosum is only found in placental mammals.


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