Table of Contents
What is the meaning of Po in medical terms?
by mouth
Medical Abbreviations on Your Prescription “PO” means the medication is taken by mouth “bid” or twice a day. Some people think that Rx means prescription. In a way it does. However, Rx is the abbreviation for the Latin word meaning “recipe.” The abbreviations used in prescriptions are derived from Latin terms.
What does PO im mean?
Plan, Organize, Integrate, Measure. POIM.
What does Po and QD mean?
po (per os) means “by mouth” pc (post cibum) means “after meals” prn (pro re nata) means “as needed” q3h (quaque 3 hora) means “every three hours” qd (quaque die) means “every day”
What does the abbreviation PRN mean in medical terms?
pro re nata
The PRN prescription stands for ‘pro re nata,’ which means that the administration of medication is not scheduled. Instead, the prescription is taken as needed.
What is the abbreviation for medication?
Table 1: Common Medical Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Meaning / Intended Meaning |
AAA | apply to affected area |
ac | before meals |
achs | before meals and at bedtime |
AD | right ear |
What does PRN mean in medical terms?
What kind of doctor is a PMD?
Doctor of Primary Medicine
Doctor of Primary Medicine (PMD)
What is hospital PMD?
powered mobility device. Abbreviation: PMD. Any assistive device (such as a powered wheelchair, a lift chair, or a scooter) that improves the movement of the functionally impaired.
What does a Po mean in medical terms?
PO means “By Month” which is Latin word. PO medical terms, terminology, meaning, abbreviations are explained below with full details. Per os (/ˌpɜrˈoʊs/; P.O.) is a word which is used to describe the medicine, Which means by mouth (it’s Latin word).
What does per os stand for in medical terms?
Per os (/ˌpɜrˈoʊs/; P.O.) is a word which is used to describe the medicine, Which means by mouth (it’s Latin word). Or it’s another meaning is “ by way of the mouth.” The definition is used in medicine to explain a treatment which is taken orally. The abbreviated P.O. is usually used on medical formulas.
What is the atomic weight of the element po?
(Po) [ pah-lo´ne-um] a chemical element, atomic number 84, atomic weight 210. (See Appendix 6.) Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc.
What does the abbreviation AO stand for in medical terms?
Adolescent onset ….. AO Approximately…..approx. Appointment …..appt Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner …..ARNP Artificial rupture of membrances…..AROM