What is the meaning of outstanding bill?

What is the meaning of outstanding bill?

an invoice that has not yet been paid: You can make payment of any outstanding invoices online.

What does it mean when it says outstanding?

marked by superiority or distinction; excellent; distinguished: an outstanding student. continuing in existence; remaining unsettled, unpaid, etc.: outstanding debts. (of securities and the like) publicly issued and sold or in circulation. standing out; projecting: a stiff, outstanding fabric.

What is meant by outstanding in accounting?

An Outstanding Expense is an expense which is due but has not been paid. An expense becomes outstanding when the company has taken the benefit, but the related payment has not been made.

Which is the best definition of outstanding bills?

outstanding bills meaning, outstanding bills definition | English Cobuild dictionary. outstanding. Derartu is an outstanding athlete and deserved to win..an area of outstanding natural beauty… 2 adj Money that is outstanding has not yet been paid and is still owed to someone. You have to pay your outstanding bill before joining the scheme.

What does it mean to have an outstanding payment?

An outstanding payment refers to the outstanding unpaid balance of the current amount due. The interest-bearing balance of a loan or product or service bought on credit from a company. It could also refer to a payment that has been made but not has not gone through and is not marked as paid for some reason.

Which is the best definition of outstanding debt?

Outstanding Debt Definition. Outstanding debt, defined as the total principal as well as interest amount of a debt that has yet to be paid, is of core importance for any company which has used debt financing.

What does it mean to have an outstanding invoice?

An outstanding payment refers to the outstanding unpaid balance of the current amount due. The interest-bearing balance of a loan or product or service bought on credit from a company. It could also refer to a payment that has been made but not has not gone through and is not marked as paid for some reason. What Does Invoice Due Date Mean?

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