What is the meaning of handful of rice?

What is the meaning of handful of rice?

1 the amount or number that can be held in the hand. 2 a small number or quantity.

What is the meaning of Palm in science?

palm. 1. ( Science: anatomy) The inner and somewhat concave part of the hand between the bases of the fingers and the wrist.

Is a handful one hand or two hands?

Dictionaries (from the OED to online references) define “handful” as the quantity that fills up the hand, so the amount you can grasp in one hand. For two hands’ worth, we have “double handful.” From August is a Good Time for Killing by Martin Greenberg: Tom scooped up a double handful of silver money.

What part of speech is Palm?

palm 1

part of speech: noun
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: palms, palming, palmed
definition 1: to quickly conceal (something) in the hand, as in sleight-of-hand tricks or cheating at cards. I saw it when he palmed that ace.
definition 2: to pick up in a stealthy manner. He palmed a watch from the jewelry counter.

What does palms mean in the Bible?

How does it relate to the Bible? Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. As he rode into the city on a donkey, his followers spread palm branches at his feet and called him “Hosanna” or “savior.” Palm branches were considered symbols of victory and triumph at the time.

What is the palm called?

The palm comprises the underside of the human hand. Also known as the broad palm or metacarpus, it consists of the area between the five phalanges (finger bones) and the carpus (wrist joint).

What is the singular of peas?

Singular. pea. Plural. peas. The plural form of pea; more than one (kind of) pea.

What is the plural ox?

noun. \ ˈäks \ plural oxen\ ˈäk-​sən \ also ox.

What does palm mean in Hebrew?

The palm branch is a symbol of victory, triumph, peace and eternal life, originating in the ancient Near East and the Mediterranean world (Wikipedia). Palms and palm branches have symbolic meaning to the Jews of today and in ancient times.

What is the meaning of Plam?

Price Level Adjusted Mortgage (finance) PLAM.

What is back of palm called?

The front, or palm-side, of the hand is referred to as the palmar side. The back of the hand is called the dorsal side.

Which is the correct definition of the word palm?

Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Palm(noun) the inner and somewhat concave part of the hand between the bases of the fingers and the wrist. Palm(noun) a lineal measure equal either to the breadth of the hand or to its length from the wrist to the ends of the fingers; a hand; — used in measuring a horse’s height.

What is the definition of rice in English?

English Language Learners Definition of rice : small white or brown grains that come from a southeast Asian plant and that are used for food : the plant that produces rice See the full definition for rice in the English Language Learners Dictionary

What does the palm mean on a horse?

Palm(noun) a lineal measure equal either to the breadth of the hand or to its length from the wrist to the ends of the fingers; a hand; — used in measuring a horse’s height.

What does it mean to take something in the palm of your hand?

Hence: To take (something small) stealthily, especially by concealing it in the palm of the hand; as, he palmed one of the coins and walked out with it. To impose by fraud, as by sleight of hand; to put by unfair means; — usually with on or upon; as, to palm a stolen coin on an unsuspecting dealer.

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