What is the main chemical in a bone?

What is the main chemical in a bone?

Composition. Bones consist of living cells (osteoblasts and osteocytes) embedded in a mineralized organic matrix. The primary inorganic component of human bone is hydroxyapatite, the dominant bone mineral, having the nominal composition of Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2.

Which chemical is needed for bone growth?

Your body also needs calcium (as well as phosphorus) to make healthy bones. Bones are the main storage site of calcium in the body. Your body cannot make calcium. The body only gets the calcium it needs through the food you eat, or from supplements.

What is the amount of chemical substances in bones?

As described above, by volume, bone consists of 40% inorganic component (hydroxyapatite), 25% water and 35% organic component (proteins) [1,2,12]. 90% of the organic component are collagen type I and the remaining 10% noncollagenous proteins.

What is the chemical composition of bone quizlet?

The balance of bone tissue (65% by mass) consists of inorganic hydroxyapatites (hi-drok″se-ap′ah-tītz), or mineral salts, largely calcium phosphates present in the form of tiny, tightly packed crystals in and around the collagen fibers in the extracellular matrix.

What is important for bone health?

Eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, getting plenty of exercise, and having good health habits help keep our bones healthy. But if we don’t eat right and don’t get enough of the right kinds of exercise, our bones can become weak and even break.

What are important for the infrastructure of bone?

Calcium is the most important mineral for bone health.

Are bones organic matter?

Bone is a composite material consisting of both inorganic and organic components [1,2,12]. The inorganic component is primarily crystalline hydroxyapatite: [Ca3(PO4)2]3Ca(OH)2. The organic component of bone comprises more than 30 proteins with type I collagen being the most abundant (>90%) [1,2,12].

What are the important organic bone components?

The most important organic bone components are cells, collagen fibers, and ground substance (proteoglycans and glycoproteins).

Are bones living or nonliving?

In fact, bones, like all other tissues in your body are alive. Because bones are the main support structure for us, they are made of a hard material that is mainly calcium. Throughout this hard substance, are blood vessels and nerves.

What will happen if you are born without bones?

Without bones, we would have no “structural frame” for our skeleton, be unable to move our skeleton, leave our internal organs poorly protected, lack blood and be short on calcium.

What is important for bone growth?

The process of bone formation requires an adequate and constant supply of nutrients, such as calcium, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, potassium, and fluoride.

What makes up the chemical composition of bone?

Chemical composition and physical properties. The nonliving intercellular material of bone consists of an organic component called collagen (a fibrous protein arranged in long strands or bundles similar in structure and organization to the collagen of ligaments, tendons, and skin), with small amounts of proteinpolysaccharides,…

Why is it important to know about calcium and bones?

Calcium and bones The mineral calcium helps your muscles, nerves, and cells work normally. Your body also needs calcium (as well as phosphorus) to make healthy bones. Bones are the main storage site of calcium in the body.

What are the functions of bones in the body?

Bones serve many vital functions in your body, including: Bone provides a rigid framework as well as support for other parts of your body. For example, the larger bones of the legs offer support to your upper body while you’re standing up.

What makes bone a living, growing tissue?

Made mostly of collagen, bone is living, growing tissue. Collagen is a protein that provides a soft framework, and calcium phosphate is a mineral that adds strength and hardens the framework. This combination of collagen and calcium makes bone strong and flexible enough to withstand stress.

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