What is the latitude and longitude of Ontario Canada?

What is the latitude and longitude of Ontario Canada?

51.2538° N, 85.3232° W

Which Australian city has the latitude and longitude of 27s 153e?

Major Cities: Latitude, Longitude, and Corresponding Time Zones

Latitude Longitude
Brisbane, Australia 27 153
Bristol, England 51 2
Brussels, Belgium 50 4

What city is 49 N 123 W?

What city is located at 51 degrees north 114 degrees west? What city is 19N and 99W? What are the coordinates of Vancouver, Canada?…What city is located at 49n 123w?

Name : 49n 123w city
Closest Address : 123 Northwest 49th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317, USA

What parallel is Ottawa?

The federal capital Ottawa (45°25′ north), and the provincial capital of seven provinces (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and British Columbia) are south of the 49th parallel.

What is the latitude and longitude of Mumbai?

19.0760° N, 72.8777° E

What is the longitude and latitude of Vancouver?

49.2827° N, 123.1207° W

What location is 60 degrees north and 100 degrees east?

Which city is located at 30 degrees north and 120 degrees east? Where is 60 and Latitude 140 longitude?…Where is 60 and Latitude 140 longitude?

Latitude/longitude Country % Correct
60 N, 140 W United States 55.3%
60 N, 120 W Canada 54.7%
60 N, 100 W Canada 54.4%
60 N, 80 E Russia 49.8%

Which province is Ottawa in?

Ottawa, city, capital of Canada, located in southeastern Ontario. In the eastern extreme of the province, Ottawa is situated on the south bank of the Ottawa River across from Gatineau, Quebec, at the confluence of the Ottawa (Outaouais), Gatineau, and Rideau rivers.

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