What is the history of picture frames?

What is the history of picture frames?

Framing pictures has been a way to present artwork for thousands of years. Framed pictures of mummies have been found in Egyptian tombs. The paintings were created on wood and then the “frame” was carved into the same piece of wood and placed onto the mummy.

Where do picture frames originate from?

Frames for pictures as a concept have been around since the times of the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks, where “framing borders” were used in paintings on pottery and walls to create sections of scenes.

What is the function of picture frame in history?

Early Picture Frames marks the discovery of one of the earliest picture frames. Used by Greek and Egyptian artists, frames in ancient art were used to divide the wall paintings from the actual wall, though not actually in a different medium or level from the piece of art.

How can you tell how old a picture frame is?

The back of a picture frame offers important clues about its age. Look for wormholes in the wood, warping that comes with age and humidity changes, and signs about the construction. If it’s fit together without nails or tacks, it may be very old. If it features older hardware, that’s another clue it’s an antique.

Where did the first picture frame come from?

The discovery of a picture frame in an Egyptian tomb dating back to the second century A.D. marks the discovery of one of the earliest picture frames. Used by Greek and Egyptian artists, frames in ancient art were used to divide the wall paintings from the actual wall, though not actually in a different medium or level from the piece of art.

How are picture frames made in medieval times?

In Medieval times, many paintings were created on wood. A slight drop would be carved out to create a ledge around the section to be painted. A frame would then be painted or carved into this ledge. Today, a frame like this would not be available unless made by special order at an artist’s request.

What do you use a picture frame for?

Nowadays, picture frames are used merely to “frame” beautiful pieces of art, photography, archival documents and treasured mementos. However, when they were first developed, frames were included in the art and even considered a piece of art themselves.

Why are painting frames so important to history?

Historic frames have always been the poor cousins of important collections of paintings and drawings. Throughout most of the modern (that is, postmedieval) era, original frames were discarded whenever a painting changed ownership, and a new frame more suitable to the work of art’s new surroundings was provided.

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