What is the GCF of two prime numbers?

What is the GCF of two prime numbers?

Statement 1: The greatest common factor of any two distinct prime numbers is 1.

What is the least common multiple of two numbers that have no common factors greater than 1?

So, if two numbers don’t share any factors greater than one, you won’t combine anything, and so the LCM will just be all of the factors of the two numbers multiplied together. The factorization of 7 is 7 . The factorization of 15 is 3×5 .

What is the GCF of 2 or 3 prime numbers?

Answer: GCF of 2 and 3 is 1.

What are two numbers with no common factors?

Step-by-step explanation: When two numbers have no common factors other than 1. In other words there is no value that you could divide them both by exactly (without any remainder). Relatively Prime is also called “coprime” or “mutually prime”.

How do you find the GCF and lcm of a number?

GCF = 2 x 3 = 6. Proceeding to find the LCM, look for any number that goes into two or more of the remaining numbers. One such number is 3, which goes into the remaining 3 and 6. Divide those numbers by 3 and leave the other numbers as they are.

Is the GCF of pair of numbers ever greater than both numbers?

The gcf of numbers can never be greater than both numbers, because in order to be a gcf, it must be a factor that both numbers have, so if one number does not have that then it is not a gcf. 4.6.

What is the greatest four digit number?

The greatest 4 digit number is 9999. Now, we have to subtract the remainder, which is 279, from 9999. So, 9720 is the required greatest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 12, 18, 40 and 45. Answer.

What does GCF mean in fractions?

GCF = 1/24. GCF is a fraction smaller than both the fractions or equal to one or both of them (when both fractions are equal). When you take the GCF of the numerator and LCM of the denominator, you are making a fraction smaller than (or equal to) the numbers.

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