What is the full form of ENIAC and Univac?

What is the full form of ENIAC and Univac?

ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer (First Digital Computer)

What is the full form of ENIAC 1 point?

ENIAC, in full Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, the first programmable general-purpose electronic digital computer, built during World War II by the United States.

What is the standard form of ENIAC?

The Full form of ENIAC is Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.

What was the ENIAC Computer used for?

Although ENIAC was designed and primarily used to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory (which later became a part of the Army Research Laboratory), its first program was a study of the feasibility of the thermonuclear weapon.

What do you know about ENIAC?

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the world’s first general-purpose computer. ENIAC was designed and built for the United States Army to calculate artillery firing tables. However, it was ENIAC’s power and general-purpose programmability that excited the public’s imagination.

Who is called Father of Computer?

Charles Babbage

What is pronunciation of ENIAC?

En-yee-ak. EN-ee-ak. En-yee-ak-En.

Why is ENIAC considered the first modern computer?

In 1942, physicist John Mauchly proposed an all-electronic calculating machine. The result was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), built between 1943 and 1945—the first large-scale computer to run at electronic speed without being slowed by any mechanical parts.

What is UNIVAC full form?

UNIVAC, which stood for Universal Automatic Computer, was developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, makers of ENIAC, the first general-purpose electronic digital computer.

Who made ENIAC computer?

John Mauchly
J. Presper Eckert

John W. Mauchly and the Development of the ENIAC Computer (U of Pennsylvania) Celebrating Penn Engineering History: ENIAC (50th anniversary). Presper Eckert Interview (Smithsonian Institution)

What is the full form of a computer?

What is the full form of COMPUTER. COMPUTER. Computer is not an acronym, it is a word derived from a word “compute” which means to calculate. So, in simple words you can say that computer is an electronic device which is used for fast calculation.

Is there a full form of computer in Hindi?

This page is about Computer Full Form and its related all full forms including Computer Parts in Hindi and many more Full Form of Computer abbreviation. Computer Full Form mentioned above. Computer does not have any full form but it parts have.

Where does the word computer come from in English?

The word is derived from the Latin ‘computare’, which is composed of com- ‘together’ +putare ‘to settle’ (an account). There is a myth that the word computer stands for ‘Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research’.

What was the function of the ENIAC computer?

ENIAC was a modular computer, composed of individual panels to perform different functions. Twenty of these modules were accumulators that could not only add and subtract, but hold a ten-digit decimal number in memory. Numbers were passed between these units across several general-purpose buses (or trays, as they were called).

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