What is the easiest level of NYSSMA solo?

What is the easiest level of NYSSMA solo?

The NYSSMA rating scale for all solos and ensembles starts at level 1 (easiest) up to level 6 (hardest). All-State soloists must perform literature selected from the level 6 category.

How many levels does NYSSMA piano have?

NYSSMA provides sight reading passages of all six levels from a proprietary manual. Scale requirement depends on level as well.

What is an A+ in NYSSMA?

Students who perform on levels 1-4 are scored out of a possible 28 points and are rated as either “Outstanding”, “Excellent”, “Good”, “Fair”, and so on. Students performing at level 5 and 6 are scored out of a possible 100 points and rated as “A+”, “A”, “A-“, and so on.

Is NYSSMA 2020 Cancelled?

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — The New York State School Music Association announced on Monday that the 2020 All State Festival and Winter Conference has been canceled. Normally, this event is held annually at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center.

Do you have to memorize for NYSSMA?

It is a good idea to have your scales perfected and memorized early. Stay on track with your piece and work closely with your teacher to develop your piece in a fluent manner. Allow yourself plenty of time to practice sight reading. The more you do it, the better you’ll get!

What Nyssma score do you need to get into all county?

All-State adjudicators are responsible for evaluating every All-State solo of the same instrument or voice part. At the conclusion of the festival, the All-State adjudicators create a rank ordered proficiency list of all students being recommended. Every student who earns a score of 98-100 must be recommended.

Is Nyssma 2020 Cancelled?

How long does it take to get NYSSMA results?

Approximately three to four weeks after the upload period closes – the student and the teacher will have access to completed evaluations on the platform. Teachers review evaluation results with students and may print copies as needed.

Where do I upload NYSSMA?

musicfirst.com website
RECORD: Students must pre-record their NYSSMA solo and scales, and upload it to the musicfirst.com website during the student’s “upload period.”

Is 98 a good NYSSMA score?

At the conclusion of the festival, the All-State adjudicators create a rank ordered proficiency list of all students being recommended. Every student who earns a score of 98-100 must be recommended.

What date is NYSSMA 2021?

Thu, Dec 2, 2021 – Sun, Dec 5, 2021
2021 NYSSMA Winter Conference/Date

How do I apply for NYSSMA?

All NYSSMA registration is done through the student’s school music program. Information regarding scheduling times and appropriate materials should be received from the school music teacher or the head of the school’s music department. The school district or private school must be a school member of NYSSMA.

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