What is the difference between the compact bone and the spongy bone?

What is the difference between the compact bone and the spongy bone?

Compact bone tissue is composed of osteons and forms the external layer of all bones. Spongy bone tissue is composed of trabeculae and forms the inner part of all bones.

What is the differences between compact and spongy bone can be seen?

The main difference between compact and spongy bone is that compact bone is the hard outer layers of the bone whereas spongy is the more porous, inner layers of the bone.

What structural differences did you note between the compact bone and the spongy bone How are these differences related to their functions?

How are these structural differences related to the locations and functions of these two types of bone? Compact bone provides strength in the shaft and along the borders of the bone. Spongy bone reduces the weight of the bone and provides spaces occupied by red marrow.

How are spongy and compact bone tissues different in microscopic appearance location and function?

Both compact and spongy bone tissues have the same types of cells, but they differ in how the cells are arranged. The cells in the compact bone are arranged in multiple microscopic columns, whereas the cells in the spongy bone are arranged in a looser, more open network.

How does the structure of compact bone differ from spongy bone to the naked eye?

How does the structure of compact bone differ from that of spongy bone when viewed with the naked eye? Compact bone looks fairly solid and homogeneous whereas spongy bones have an open network of bone spicules. When a bone is developed by intramembranous ossification, or develops from a fibrous membrane.

Which is stronger compact bone or spongy bone?

Due to the strong nature of compact bone, compared to spongy bone, it is the preferred tissue for strength. Spongy bone is used for more active functions of the bones, including blood cell production and ion exchange. However, compact bones also serve a function in storing and releasing calcium to the body when needed.

What structures are the same in spongy and compact bone?

What are the Similarities Between Compact Bone and Spongy Bone? Compact bone and spongy bone are components of the osseous. Both are skeletal bones. Furthermore, both are structural bones. Therefore, they provide shape and structure to organisms. Also, they support the functions of muscles.

What are the functions of the compact bone and spongy bone?

The main function of compact bone is to support the whole body , whereas spongy bones support the body structure . The latter helps save materials, and provide movement to the key body organs.

Does the compact bone surround the spongy bone?

Compact bone, also called cortical bone, surrounds spongy bone and makes up the other 80% of the bone in a human skeleton. It is smooth, hard and heavy compared to spongy bone and it is also white in appearance, in contrast to spongy bone which has a pink color.

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