What is the decimal form of five and thirty eight thousandths?

What is the decimal form of five and thirty eight thousandths?

Five and thirty-eight hundredths 5.38 (8 is in the hundredths’ place.) Nineteen and four thousandths 19.004 (Insert two zeros so that the 4 is in the thousandths’ place.)

What is 30 as a decimal?

Percent to decimal conversion table

Percent Decimal
10% 0.1
20% 0.2
30% 0.3
40% 0.4

How many decimals are in five and three tenths?

decimal: five and three tenths: 5.300000: forty-nine and one hundredth: 49.010000: two hundred sixteen and two hundred thirty-one thousandths 216.231000: nine thousand, ten and three hundred fifty-nine ten-thousandths: 9,010.035900: seventy-six thousand, fifty-three and forty-seven hundred-thousandths: 76,053.000470

What’s the correct way to write a thousandth?

The standard notation is to use a period as a decimal point, and a comma to separate thousands, millions, billions, etc. For example: One thousand should be written as 1,000. One thousand and twelve-hundredths should be written as 1,000.12. 5 comments.

Can a decimal be used to write a whole number?

In addition to fraction notation, decimal notation is another way to write numbers between 0 and 1. Decimals can also be used to write numbers between any two whole numbers. For example, you may have to write a check for $2,003.38. Or, in measuring the length of a room, you may find that the length is between two whole numbers, such as 35.24 feet.

Is the number 7 in the thousandth place?

The digit 7 is three decimal places to the right of the decimal point, which means that it is in the thousandths place. Incorrect. The digit 7 is three decimal places to the right of the decimal point, which means that it is in the thousandths place. Incorrect.

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