What is the contact that sets up the spike?

What is the contact that sets up the spike?

The server may move freely behind the the end line when serving. is a contact that sets up a spike. The typical order of contacts is dig (bump), set, spike. occurs when the serving team does not score, and the serve goes over to the other team.

What is the name of a hit when the ball is contacted with the fingertips above the head?


Question Answer
What’s it called when you step on or over the line while serving Foot fault
A__ is the name of a hit when the ball is contacted with the fingertips above the head Set
What is the name of the hit used to start each point Serve
If a player hits the ball with two open palms it is called? Carry

What is a spiked ball that is not returned?

Terms in this set (19) Ace. A serve hit so well it is not returned.

What does ape mean in volleyball?

Pass, set, hit, serve. The four main skills used in volleyball. Only $47.88/year. Right back. The servers position is the…

When a player jumps above the height of the net and blocks the ball it is?

Roof When a player jumps above the height of the net and blocks the ball. Stuff When a player jumps above the height of the net, blocks the ball, and the ball goes back to the player who spiked the ball. Double Hit When a player hits the ball two or more times in a row.

What are the three most common types of hits used in the game of volleyball?

The 3 types of hits are: bump, volley and spike, or more modernly called pass, set and kill (or hit).

What is it called when you overlap and the ball is served?

Overhand Serve: Serving the ball and striking it with the hand above the shoulder. Overlap: A violation called when a team is lined up out of rotation when the ball is served. Overpass: A ball that is passed across the net. Overset: an errant set that crosses the net without being touched by another offensive player.

What is it called when you hit a volleyball?

Typically the third contact when a player uses one open hand and swings at the ball to send it over the net is called a “hit/attack/spike”. The player who hits the ball is called the “hitter/attacker/spiker”. These three terms are used interchangeable.

What does libero mean in volleyball?

defensive specialist
role in volleyball game One change created the libero, a player on each team who serves as a defensive specialist. The libero wears a different colour from the rest of the team and is not allowed to serve or rotate to the front line.

What is a volleyball game called?

Volleyball Terms. Volleyball Set (Game) A volleyball set or game is played to a predetermined number of points. Sets must be won by at least 2 points. For example, if a set is being played to 25 points, if a 24-24 tie occurs, the set isn’t over until a team leads by 2 points.

Why do they say sideout in volleyball?

The term “side-out” used to refer to an obsolete scoring rule in volleyball called “side-out scoring” under which the winning point could only be scored by the serving team. A side-out is now simply defined as when the receiving team earns the right to serve by winning a point.

What does K mean in volleyball stats?

A kill (K) is awarded to a player any time an attack is unreturnable by the opposition and is a direct cause of the opponent not returning the ball, or any time the attack leads directly to a blocking error by the opposition. A Page 4 4 OFFICIAL 2008 VOLLEYBALL STATISTICS RULES kill leads directly to a point.

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