What is the code in riddle transfer?

What is the code in riddle transfer?

Use the flusher handle on the dial pad. Type 78255 on the dial pad. Exit the room and go to the storage room (Door with box on it). Click the papers from top to bottom.

How do you solve the tile device in Riddle School 5?

Open the vent and click on the arrow leading out. In the big room, click on the tile device in the background. Imagine the tiles as a cell phone number. Press 4 5 6 8 2 7 2 3 4 5 7 3 7 in that order.

What is the code for Riddle School Transfer 2?

Enter the code 4003. On pLatitude, click on “++” 4 times and “+” 3 times. On pLongitude, click on “–” 2 times and “-” 13 times. Then click on activate.

What is the code to Richy’s locker in Riddle School 3?

In Riddle School 3, Richy is found locked inside his own locker. As he doesn’t remember its password, Phil needs to get Mrs. Oddverb out of the teacher’s lounge so she can open her classroom where the paper with Richy’s password was left in. It reads “BLOBBLES,” “53788078” upside down.

How old is the creator of Riddle School?

JonBro’s logo. Jonochrome, formerly JonBro, is the creator of the Riddle School series. He, now 27, has since made multiple animations and games since his retirement from the series.

When did Riddle transfer Riddle transfer come out?

Riddle Transfer Riddle Transfer is a Flash Game made by JonBro (Jonochrome). It is a spin-off to the Riddle School Series, and is also the sequel to Riddle School 5. It came out on June 6th, 2011, and is the second-to-last game in the series, before Riddle Transfer 2.

What happens at the end of Riddle School 5?

Riddle School 5 was the true ending of the RS Series and was made in 2010. A summary of the game is as follows: Phil wakes up from a dream and escapes his room, getting to a HUGE hallway with the goal of saving his friends from an alien spacecraft.

Where can I find community content for Riddle School?

Click on Diz. Go to F1 and enter the room on the front right. Click on the spaceship. Click all the red arrows to escape. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Where do you find the alien coin Riddle School 5?

This is the walkthrough for Riddle School 5. Click under the bed. Grab the alien coin. Check the vent cover. Put the alien coin on each of the three individual screws on the vent cover. Pick up the three screws from the ground. Open the vent and click on the arrow leading out. In the big room, click on the tile device in the background.

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