What is the chemical formula of tolbutamide?

What is the chemical formula of tolbutamide?


What is the chemical name of tolbutamide?


PubChem CID 5505
Structure Find Similar Structures
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula C12H18N2O3S
Synonyms tolbutamide 64-77-7 Orinase Artosin 1-Butyl-3-tosylurea More…

What is the mechanism of action of tolbutamide?

Tolbutamide lowers blood sugar by stimulating the pancreas to secrete insulin and helping the body use insulin efficiently. The pancreas must be able to produce insulin for this drug to work.

Is tolbutamide acidic or basic?

Acid dissociation constants calculated using MoKa v3.0.0

Dissociation level Dissociation constant Type (acidic/basic)
pKa1 5.23 acidic

Which is Category tolbutamide?

Tolbutamide is in a class of medications called sulfonylureas. Tolbutamide lowers blood sugar by causing the pancreas to produce insulin (a natural substance that is needed to break down sugar in the body) and helping the body use insulin efficiently.

How is tolbutamide metabolism?

Tolbutamide is mainly metabolized by CYP2C9, which also has a role in the metabolism of sulfonamides. Of various sulfonamides, sulfaphenazole had the largest inhibitory effect on the metabolism of tolbutamide in vitro [210].

How is tolbutamide administered?

Tolbutamide comes as a tablet to take by mouth. It is usually taken once a day in the morning. Tell your doctor if tolbutamide upsets your stomach. Your doctor may tell you to take smaller doses of tolbutamide more than once a day.

Which is Category Tolbutamide?

Is tolbutamide an enzyme inhibitor?

Tolbutamide as a model drug for the study of enzyme induction and enzyme inhibition in the rat. Br J Pharmacol.

What is Glibenclamida in English?

Glibenclamide, also known as glyburide, is a medication used to treat diabetes mellitus type 2. It is recommended that it be taken together with diet and exercise. It may be used with other antidiabetic medication.

How does Sulphonylurea work?

Sulphonylureas work by causing your body to produce more insulin. Insulin is the hormone that is produced by the pancreas which helps your body to use glucose from the carbohydrates in the food you eat for energy. By producing more insulin, your blood glucose levels will fall.

What class of drug is tolbutamide?

Tolbutamide is in a class of medications called sulfonylureas. Tolbutamide lowers blood sugar by causing the pancreas to produce insulin (a natural substance that is needed to break down sugar in the body) and helping the body use insulin efficiently.

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