What is the biblical meaning of the word perish?

What is the biblical meaning of the word perish?

to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.: to perish in an earthquake. to suffer spiritual death: Save us, lest we perish.

What does it mean when someone perish?

to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc. to perish in an earthquake. to pass away or disappear. an age of elegance that has forever perished.

What is a good sentence for the word perish?

1, He that trusts in a lie shall perish in truth. 2, Flowers perish when frost comes. 3, Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn. 4, Sunlight has caused the rubber to perish.

What is the opposite word for perish?

Antonyms: be born, be immortal, begin, come into being, come to life, exist, flourish, grow, live, rise again, rise from the dead, survive. Synonyms: cease, decease, decline, depart, die, expire, fade, wither.

What is the meaning of perish in Class 10?

Answers (1) The meaning of Perish is To die or be destroyed or killed.

Does perish mean cold?

If someone is perished, they are extremely cold. I was absolutely perished.

What is the meaning of Perish the thought?

—used to say that something will not happen or that one hopes that something will not happen What?

What are two synonyms for perish?


  • cease.
  • crumble.
  • disappear.
  • disintegrate.
  • pass away.
  • rot.
  • succumb.
  • vanish.

Does perish mean decay?

To pass away; to come to naught; to waste away; to decay and disappear.

Which is suitable word for lacking energy and enthusiasm?

Frequently Asked Questions About lackadaisical Some common synonyms of lackadaisical are languid, languorous, listless, and spiritless. While all these words mean “lacking energy or enthusiasm,” lackadaisical implies a carefree indifference marked by half-hearted efforts.

What’s the kids definition of the word perish?

Kids Definition of perish. : to become destroyed : die Dinosaurs perished long ago. The language slowly perished. Keep scrolling for more. Comments on perish.

Which is the best definition of the word parish?

[par-ish] See more synonyms for parish on Thesaurus.com. noun. an ecclesiastical district having its own church and member of the clergy. a local church with its field of activity. (in Louisiana) a county.

What does it mean to perish in an earthquake?

to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.: to perish in an earthquake. to pass away or disappear: an age of elegance that has forever perished.

What does the Bible say about perish and lost?

It is certain that if this retreat, from which the girls go out married, were to fail, they would perish and be lost. For my name’s sake I will remove my wrath far off: and for my praise I will bridle thee, lest thou shouldst perish.

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