What is the average time for 100m sprint for a 13-year-old?

What is the average time for 100m sprint for a 13-year-old?

Age 13: 16–17 seconds.

What is a good 200m time for a 13 year old?

After participating in 52 weeks of training, 12- and 13-year-old girls should aim to run the 100-meter sprint in 13.2 seconds and the 200-meter sprint in 26.5 seconds. Intermediate female sprinters ages 14 and 15 should achieve a time of 11.6 seconds in the 100-meter sprint and 26 seconds in the 200-meter sprint.

Is 20 mph fast for a human?

Is 20 mph Fast For a Human? Yes, If you run the entire hundred metres in 20mph, you will get a time of 11.1 seconds.

Do you sprint the whole 200m?

Do I sprint the whole 200m or can I slow down? 200 meters is not a long race, so you should be sprinting.

How fast can a teenager run?

In this study, 16 year olds were able to reach a maximum running speed of 26 kilometers per hour (3:45 per mile), while two year-olds and 10 year-olds were able to reach six (16:20 per mile) and 20 kilometers per hour (4:50 per mile), respectively.

Who is the fastest 12 year old 100m?

Gallaugher has clocked 11.72 seconds for the 100m, faster than any one in his age group in the US or Australia. His talent means that Michael Johnson’s Athletic Institute have been in touch to get Gallaugher over to train in Ohio but he won’t be going until next year.

What’s the average sprint time of a 14 year old girl?

Intermediate female sprinters ages 14 and 15 should achieve a time of 11.6 seconds in the 100-meter sprint and 26 seconds in the 200-meter sprint.

What is a good 200 meter sprint time?

If i asked a random person what their 200m time was, and they responded with anything under 30 seconds, Id be impressed. 30 seconds will get you last at basically every high school meet, but for an average person it is quite fast. Finally, sprinting is sort of something you will know if you are good at.

What’s the average running speed of a 16 year old girl?

The run time on the first 30 meters is subtracted from the total 60-meter time and then rounded off to a 10th of a second. For the flying 30-meter dash, the average speed for 16- to 19-year-old girls ranges from 4.3 to 4.4 seconds, according to “Physical Education and the Study of Sport” by Robert Davis.

Why does a 12 year old girl run faster?

Because of a growth in body size, 12-year-old girls experience a boost in muscular power and endurance, which translates into better running speed. In addition, the higher levels of creatine in female teenage athlete’s muscles may improve her ability to burst out of the blocks on a sprint as well as aid in muscle recovery after exercise.

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