What is the authors introduction to the characters setting and situation?

What is the authors introduction to the characters setting and situation?

Exposition- An author’s introduction of the characters, setting. and situation at the beginning of a story, novel, or play.

What introduces the characters setting and basic situation?

The EXPOSITION introduces the setting (time and place), characters and plot. It may include background information on these elements. The CONFLICT is the problem or challenge the main character has to face. The RISING ACTION includes the events that lead up to the climax.

What does characters and setting mean?

Characters: The people or animals in a story. Setting: The place where a story happens.

What is the character of setting?

Setting represents both the physical location but also the time (i.e. past, present, future) and the social and cultural conditions in which the characters exist. 2. Character: A person or animal or really anything personified.

What is introduction in the story?

The introduction, more formally referred to as the exposition, is the beginning of the story. During this stage of the plot, the narrator introduces the setting and characters. The author might also introduce the main conflict in the exposition.

What is introduction short story?

A good short story starts with a beginning that quickly captures the reader. The opening is all you have to make a first impression, and you don’t want to lose your reader before the first paragraph.

Which element introduces the characters and presents the setting and conflict?

Exposition is the beginning of the story where the characters, setting, and conflict are established. Rising action follows the exposition and marks the point where the main characters first encounter the story’s conflict.

What episode of events that introduces the setting and characters?

the Exposition
The Beginning, also known as the Exposition, introduces the setting (time and place), characters and plot. The Beginning also includes a statement of the problem. This is also known as the Conflict.

How do you explain the setting of a story?

How to describe a place:

  1. Describe place through characters’ senses.
  2. Include time period in description.
  3. Include small-scale changes in time.
  4. Show how characters feel about your setting.
  5. Keep setting description relevant to the story.
  6. List adjectives to describe your story locations.

What is setting and example?

Setting is the time and place (or when and where) of the story. Place also covers a lot of areas, such as a certain building, room in a building, country, city, beach, in a mode of transport such as a car, bus, boat, indoors or out, etc. The setting of a story can change throughout the plot.

How do you introduce a setting?


  1. Try setting the scene by showing scale.
  2. Show what is surprising or strange.
  3. Introduce emotional qualities of place.
  4. Give immersive details.
  5. Establish time period or time-frame.
  6. Show characters interacting with their surrounds.

What is introduction and example?

The definition of introduction is making something known for the first time, or formally telling two people who the other person is. An example of introduction is when you are at a party and you bring your husband and friend together and say “Mark, this is Judy. Judy, this is Mark.”

What are the characters and setting in a story?

Literary/Fiction Text: Stories about people or events that are made up by an author. Characters: The people or animals in a story. Setting: The place where a story happens. Prerequisite Skills haven’t been entered into the lesson plan.

How does the setting influence plot and character?

Setting influences character type, word choice, pace, tone, even genre. Setting enhances story by enfolding plot and character in a place where they fit, where their strengths can best be highlighted.

How does setting affect the tone of a story?

That is, a story whose setting contributes to the tone and plot cannot be dropped into a different setting and remain the same story. Setting influences character type, word choice, pace, tone, even genre. Setting enhances story by enfolding plot and character in a place where they fit, where their strengths can best be highlighted.

Is the setting of a story a necessity?

Setting is a necessity, but it doesn’t necessarily attract readers the way plot and character do. Readers don’t come to a novel and follow breathlessly because of where the story is set.

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