What is the answer to the second riddle in Zelda breath of the wild?

What is the answer to the second riddle in Zelda breath of the wild?

The second riddle is: “Kakariko Village’s specialty fruit! Its rock-hard flesh is quite resolute!” Once you know the answer, bring the item to Walton!

What is the answer to the Korok riddle?

Riddles of Hyrule is one of the 76 Side Quests in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It starts in the Korok Forest in the Great Hyrule Forest Region….Riddles of Hyrule.

Riddle Solution
“Small, red, round, sweet” Apple
“Kakariko’s specialty fruit.” Fortified Pumpkin
“Sultry shroom that will warm your bones.” Sunshroom

What are the Waltons riddles answers?

Speak with Walton

Riddle Material required
“Kakariko Village’s specialty fruit! Its rock-hard flesh is quite resolute!” Fortified Pumpkin
“This sultry shroom will warm your bones. It makes its home in warmer zones.” Sunshroom
“Its scales and tail will zap you, no doubt! This shocking swimmer is called a…fish.” Voltfin Trout

How do you write a clue riddle?

  1. Choose an answer. Remember to choose a concrete, general answer.
  2. Brainstorm about your answer. Write down everything that comes to mind about the answer that you’ve chosen.
  3. Use a thesaurus. Choose three important words from your brainstorming list above, and look them up in a thesaurus.
  4. Use figurative language.

Where are Sunshrooms?

Sunshrooms are found growing near trees in Eldin Canyon and the Gerudo Highlands. They can be purchased from The Slippery Falcon and Ardin in Gerudo Town.

How much health do Lynels have?

Habitat(s) Fields Mountainous regions
Health 2000 (BotW)
Attack(s) Spitting Fireballs Using Lynel Weapons (BotW) Causing explosions of Fire (BotW) Dashing at their target (BotW) Shooting Arrows (BotW)

Where is totori?

The Totori Lake is a location from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It can be found directly north of the Tabantha Tower and the Bareeda Naag Shrine. It can easily be reached by teleporting to the Akh Va’quot Shrine, which is found in Rito Village.

Where do I find the Korok mask?

To find the Korok Mask, head into the Lost Woods using the front entrance. Follow the trail that leads you through mists until you reach the torch propped up against the two braziers. From here, make your way south and head over to the map marker shown in the screenshot.

How do you get lynel hoof?

Lynel Hoofs can be obtained by defeating Lynels of all types found scattered across the overworld. They can be used to enhance various pieces of armor in the game, for example the Barbarian Armor.

Where are the Leviathan bones?

It is located west of Gorae Toor Shrine on Gut Check Rock, north of Darunia Lake, and east of Deplian Badlands in the far north of the Eldin Region. Navigating to this location is quite difficult as there are no nearby towers or shrines.

How do you write hints for treasure hunt?

Here’s a quick how-to and some tips for a happy hunting!

  1. Plan your route.
  2. Scout out locations.
  3. Write and number the clues, and put them in numbered envelopes.
  4. Give yourself lots of time to plan.
  5. Get helpers’ buy-in.
  6. Set it up.
  7. Prepare for contingencies.
  8. Add in some random rewards to keep things interesting.

Where is the second clue in the Grove?

The second clue is located at the Firgrove mine. You’ve found the second clue. You grab it from the ground and untie the ribbon very carefully. Where will the next clue take you? With plenty of apples just waiting for you! You’ll soon find your way to a clue in the grove! Objectives: Find the third clue.

Who was the third pair in the riddle?

Mike Marmor of Thornhill, Canada also answered the riddle, and then threw in a third pair: Oved and David Hamelech. “David is mentioned in several places.

Where to find the second clue in Star Stable?

Objectives: Find the second clue. Rewards: 50 Jorvik Shillings, 45 XP Reputation: 25 with Firgrove The second clue is located at the Firgrove mine. You’ve found the second clue. You grab it from the ground and untie the ribbon very carefully.

Who is the copyright holder of the riddles?

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The riddles in this archive are Copyright © 2000 Ohr Somayach International. Permission is granted to distribute this archive to another person intact. We also encourage you to include this material in other publications, such as synagogue newsletters.

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