What is the adjective for duplicate?

What is the adjective for duplicate?

duplicatable. Capable of being duplicated. Synonyms: duplicable.

Is duplicate a noun or adjective?

DUPLICATE (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is the adverb for duplicate?

Derived forms of duplicate duplicable (ˈdjuːplɪkəbəl), adjectiveduplicability, nounduplicately, adverbduplicative, adjective.

What part of speech is duplicate?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: transitive verb
pronunciation: du pl keIt
inflections: duplicates, duplicating, duplicated
definition 1: to copy (something) exactly. synonyms: copy, reproduce similar words: clone, emulate, imitate, mimeograph, mirror, replicate

What does duplicate mean in math?

duplicate. noun. du·​pli·​cate | \ ˈdü-pli-kət also ˈdyü- \ Definition of duplicate (Entry 3 of 3) 1a : either of two things exactly alike and usually produced at the same time or by the same process.

Does duplicate mean two?

The verb duplicate is pronounced differently, with a long a sound, and it means to make a copy of or to multiply times two. The Latin root, duplicatus, means “to double.” “Could you please duplicate this letter for me?”

What do you mean by duplication?

1a : the act or process of duplicating. b : the quality or state of being duplicated. 2 : duplicate, counterpart. 3 : a part of a chromosome in which the genetic material is repeated also : the process of forming a duplication.

What is an example of duplicate?

Duplicate is defined as to make something happen again. The scientist working to repeat a result in a lab is an example of duplicate. The definition of duplicate is having double. Two identical baseball cards in a stack are an example of a duplicate.

Is it duplicate or duplicate?

What is duplication in biology?

Duplication is a type of mutation that involves the production of one or more copies of a gene or region of a chromosome. Gene and chromosome duplications occur in all organisms, though they are especially prominent among plants. Gene duplication is an important mechanism by which evolution occurs.

What is duplication example?

If a deletion is a missing ingredient in the recipe, a duplication is an extra ingredient. One example of a rare genetic disorder of duplication is called Pallister Killian syndrome, where part of the #12 chromosome is duplicated.

How do you use duplicate?

being two identical.

  1. We made a duplicate of the key.
  2. Parenthood is an experience nothing else can duplicate.
  3. Is this a duplicate or the original?
  4. We’ll have a duplicate key cut .
  5. Your jacket’s a duplicate of mine.
  6. His task will be to duplicate his success overseas here at home.

Which is the best definition of the word duplicate?

adjective exactly like or corresponding to something else: duplicate copies of a letter. consisting of or existing in two identical or corresponding parts; double. Cards. noting a game in which each team plays a series of identical hands, the winner being the team making the best total score.

Is it possible to duplicate something someone else has done?

‘The key to franchise success is being able to duplicate what someone else has already successfully done.’ ‘You can even maintain balance in positions impossible to duplicate with free weights.’ ‘Some of these make the most of the new medium, and would be impossible to duplicate in the print world.’

Can a duplicate be drawn up in Spanish?

The original documents (in duplicate) are drawn up in Spanish and in English respectively. I shall need more energy than your body has available in order to duplicate myself. The results with the gases duplicate in every particular the observations made on the solutions (see below, p. 24).

Are there any synonyms for the word addition?

Synonyms for in addition include additionally, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, addedly, also, as well, into the bargain and to boot. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

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