What is the 7 continents of the world in order?

What is the 7 continents of the world in order?

There are seven continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia (listed from largest to smallest in size).

Which Mahadeep is in the world?

List of the seven continents

# Continent Area (Km²)
1 Asia 31,033,131
2 Africa 29,648,481
3 Europe 22,134,900
4 North America 21,330,000

What are the 7 continents and their countries in Hindi?

Continent Names in Hindi

  • Asia – एशिया [एशिया सबसे बड़ा महाद्वीप है।
  • Africa – अफ़्रीका [अफ्रीका दुनिया का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा महाद्वीप है।
  • North America – उत्तरी अमेरिका
  • South America – दक्षिण अमेरिका [इसके बहुत बड़े हिस्से में वन हैं।]
  • Antarctica – अंटार्टिका [यहां की भूमि पूरी तरह बंजर है।
  • Europa – यूरोप

How many DWIP are there in the world?

According to Matsya, Bhagavata Puranas, the world was divided into 7 dvipas.

What are the 7 continents and their countries PDF?

7 Continents List

  • Asia.
  • Africa.
  • North America.
  • South America.
  • Antarctica.
  • Europe.
  • Australia.

How many Mahadeep are there in the world?

The names of the seven continents of the world are: Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, North America, South America, and Antarctica.

What does Mahadeep mean?

/mahādvīpa/ mn. continent countable noun. A continent is a very large area of land, such as Africa or Asia, that consists of several countries.

How many countries are there in Asia Mahadeep?

Asia is subdivided into 49 countries, five of them (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey) are transcontinental countries lying partly in Europe.

What are the 7 continents of India?

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