What is SWIFT code in Sri Lanka?

What is SWIFT code in Sri Lanka?


Branch code XXX
Country Sri Lanka

What is SWIFT code and branch code?

SWIFT codes are a combination of various kinds of letters and are used to identify the branch codes of the banks. These codes are used as Bank Identifier Codes (BIC). A SWIFT code is used to identify a particular branch of a bank. – The last three characters of the code can be digits and letters, and are optional.

What is routing number Commercial bank Sri Lanka?

Routing No.: 080271512.

What is bank key in Sri Lanka?

Bank Codes for Sri Lankan Banks

Bank Code Bank Name
7472 Axis Bank
7010 Bank of Ceylon
7481 Cargills Bank Limited
8004 Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Are Swift codes and routing numbers the same?

SWIFT codes and BICs are the same exact thing, but don’t mistake a SWIFT code for a bank routing number. A SWIFT code is also called a BIC; a routing number is also called an ABA number, a routing transit number — RTN — or a check routing number.

How many commercial bank branches are there in Sri Lanka?

287 branches
Commercial Bank of Ceylon

Type Public limited company
Industry Finance
Founded 1920
Headquarters Colombo, Sri Lanka
Number of locations 287 branches (906 ATMs)(2020)

Which is the SWIFT code for commercial bank of Ceylon?

The SWIFT Code of COMMERCIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC in COLOMBO, Sri Lanka is CCEYLKLX. Find out more information about this Bank or Institution

Are there any active SWIFT codes in Sri Lanka?

Below are the SWIFT codes for all banks in Sri Lanka. Only active SWIFT codes are shown. All passive (i.e. inactive) codes are excluded from the list. AXIS BANK LTD. HABIB BANK LTD. MCB BANK LTD. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BANK PLC.

What is the bank code of commercial bank?

This can call as SWIFT code aka Bank Identifier Code (BIC). Commercial Bank SWIFT Code: CCEYLKLX. Bank code and branch codes of Commercial Bank are as follows: Bank Code. Branch Code. Branch Name. 7056. 0. Head Office.

What does a BIC / SWIFT code look like?

A SWIFT/BIC is an 8-11 character code that identifies your country, city, bank, and branch. Bank code A-Z 4 letters representing the bank. It usually looks like a shortened version of that bank’s name. Location code 0-9 A-Z 2 characters made up of letters or numbers. It says where that bank’s head office is.

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