What is submission and example?

What is submission and example?

Submission is defined as acting always obedient, particularly to a master. The definition of a submission is something sent in or the act of surrendering. An example of submission is a contest entry. An example of submission is a criminal who gives themselves up to the police.

What is the point of submission?

A submission is a proposal, report, or other document that is formally sent or presented to someone, so that they can consider or decide about it. A written submission has to be prepared.

What is the meaning of submittal?

1 : an act or instance of submitting something : a sending or delivery of something for consideration, study, or decision The council approved a resolution to authorize the submittal of five grant applications to the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety Division.—

What does submission to someone mean?

: an act of giving a document, proposal, piece of writing, etc., to someone so that it can be considered or approved : an act of submitting something. : something that is submitted. : the state of being obedient : the act of accepting the authority or control of someone else.

What does it mean to submit to God?

As Christians, we are called to hand over our lives and submit to his ways for His sake — to trust him completely. But, what does this mean? First of all, submitting to God’s ways means to humble yourself. Only through the grace of God are we able to be saved. Without him, we would get what we deserve: death.

What does submitting to God mean?

Also, submission to God means saying no for His purposes. Letting go of your desires may be quite difficult. Especially if both options could give you a chance to glorify God.

What God says about submission?

The key text concerning submission of wives to their husbands is taken from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus, found in Ephesians 5:22-33 “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Saviour.

What is the difference between submission and submittal?

As nouns the difference between submittal and submission is that submittal is the act of submitting while submission is the act of submitting.

How does the submittal process work?

Submittals are those shop drawings, product data, samples, and mock-ups to be delivered to the design professional (the architect or engineer) for review and action as required by the contract documents. An important element of the submittal process is the preparation, review, and approval of shop drawings.

Does submission mean obedience?

However, there exists a difference between these two terms. While obedience is following orders or commands, submission is yielding to power or authority. When looking at the definitions, they look so much alike, but the difference between the two stem from the sentiment of the individual who follows the orders.

What does submission mean in the Bible?

Biblical submission in marriage is a wife making a choice not to overtly resist her husband’s will. That is not to say she cannot disagree with him or that she cannot express her opinion. Indeed, a wife who practices submission is by definition a woman with strength of character.

What does it mean to be a submissive person?

marked by or indicating submission or an instance of yielding to the authority of another: a submissive reply.

What is the definition of submission in the Bible?

Submission Definition. To submit or be submissive is to be obedient to some requirement or authority and it is the very act of submitting to or being under that authority or control of someone or something else. The biblical idea of submitting or submission is quite a bit different than what was stated above as we shall read.

Which is an example of submission to authority?

I can submit a proposal for consideration. I can submit to you the reader that something is untrue. I can submit my car keys to the new owners after I sold the car. Finally I can submit to the control of an authority. The following English dictionaries define one aspect of submission this way.

What is the difference between submissiveness and obedience?

submissiveness – the trait of being willing to yield to the will of another person or a superior force etc. obedience – the trait of being willing to obey obsequiousness, servility, subservience – abject or cringing submissiveness passiveness, passivity – submission to others or to outside influences

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