What is short for South Carolina?

What is short for South Carolina?

In such a scenario, either S.C. (the AP-style abbreviation of the state) or SC (the postal abbreviation of the state) are acceptable. I often rely upon these very abbreviations on Twitter. They’re lifesavers. ESPN occasionally uses SCAR and S.

Should state names be abbreviated?

The names of eight states are never abbreviated in datelines or text: Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas and Utah. Memory aid: States with five or fewer letters, plus Alaska and Hawaii, are never abbreviated.

Do you abbreviate States in APA Style?

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), abbreviations are best used only when they allow for clear communication with the audience. Exceptions: Standard abbreviations like units of measurement and states do not need to be written out.

When abbreviating states do you capitalize?

Because state names represent specific places, they are always capitalized.

What is on the SC state flag?

The flag of South Carolina is a symbol of the U.S. state of South Carolina consisting of a blue field with a white palmetto tree and white crescent….Flag of South Carolina.

Use State flag
Adopted January 26, 1861 (modifications made on January 28, 1861)
Design White palmetto tree on an indigo field. The canton contains a white crescent.

Do you put comma after state abbreviations?

Punctuation. When punctuating state names, you should place a comma between the city and state, and another comma after the state name, unless the state name is ending the sentence or indicating a dateline. For example, (No comma after state abbreviation because it ends the sentence)

What is the rule for state abbreviations?

Each state has its own unique shortened name codes used in written documents and mailing addresses. The state abbreviations are always in the same format: two letter abbreviations where both letters are uppercase and no periods or spaces between each letter. This format is the official USPS postal abbreviation.

How do you abbreviate States?

State postal abbreviations are all two letters, and these two letters are always capitalized without any periods….US State Abbreviations List.

State Name USPS Abbreviation Traditional Abbreviation
Alabama AL Ala.
Alaska AK Alaska
Arizona AZ Ariz.
Arkansas AR Ark.

Is North Carolina abbreviated in AP style?

Wisconsin (Wis.) Louisiana (La.) North Carolina (N.C.) Wyoming (Wyo.)

How do you abbreviate NC?

Two-Letter State Abbreviations


How do you abbreviate states ap style?

AP Style for States Abbreviations

  1. Ala. ( AL) — for Alabama.
  2. Alaska (AK) — this state is not abbreviated in text.
  3. Ariz. ( AZ) — for Arizona.
  4. Ark. ( AR) — for Arkansas.
  5. Calif. ( CA) — for California.
  6. Colo. ( CO) — for Colorado.
  7. Conn. ( CT) — for Connecticut.
  8. Del. ( DE) — for Delaware.

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