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What is Mother Jones best known for?
Known as the miner’s angel, Mother Jones became an active campaigner for the United Mine Workers Union. A political progressive, she was a founder of the Social Democratic Party in 1898. Jones also helped establish the Industrial Workers of the World in 1905.
What was Jones quote?
“Love and happiness is a great match.” “If you fail to pay your bill by 9 AM tomorrow morning your service will be discontinued.” “There’s a quote that says, ‘If you know yourself and you know your opponent, you shouldn’t fear the results of 100 battles. ‘ Just really being prepared gives you a lot of confidence.”
What was Mother Jones greatest ability?
And while she helped organize women in various trades, she believed that working-class women were better off in the home than having their labor exploited. In a sense, Mother Jones’ greatest strength was also her fundamental weakness: She saw the world primarily through the lens of class.
What did Mother Jones stand for?
The most famous female labor activist of the nineteenth century, Mary Harris Jones—aka “Mother Jones”—was a self-proclaimed “hell-raiser” in the cause of economic justice. She was so strident that a US attorney once labeled her “the most dangerous woman in America.”
Who owns Blair Mountain?
For years, Blair Mountain has been under assault by such corporations as Natural Resource Partners L.P. and Arch Coal, Inc. —large absentee conglomerates that own most of the battlefield’s nearly 1,700 acres.
Why did Mother Jones March as president?
On July 7, 1903, Mary Harris “Mother” Jones began the March of the Mill Children from Philadelphia to President Theodore Roosevelt’s Long Island summer home in Oyster Bay, New York, to publicize the harsh conditions of child labor and to demand a 55-hour work week.
Mother Jones was a union organizer known for her activism and ability to organize labor against mine owners.
Why did early labor unions fail?
Early unions failed for a number of reasons, including internal tensions, inability to prevent violence, a societal fear of revolution and failure to win over the public and authorities.
What was Mother Jones real name?
Mary G. Harris
Mother Jones/Full name
Early Years. Born Mary Harris in Cork County, Ireland, the woman who would become Mother Jones immigrated to North America with her family as a child to escape the Irish famine. She spent her early years in Canada and trained to be a dressmaker and teacher.
How many people died at Blair Mountain?
There were at least 16 confirmed deaths in the battle, though no one knows exactly how many were killed before the US Army marched in to put a stop to the fighting. The roadside marker and the spent shell casings found in the hillsides are the only reminders at Blair Mountain that this took place.
Do coal miners make good money?
The salaries of Coal Miners in the US range from $11,105 to $294,800 , with a median salary of $53,905 . The middle 57% of Coal Miners makes between $53,905 and $133,947, with the top 86% making $294,800.
Why did Mother Jones cared so much about the mill children?
A devout Catholic, Jones believed good wages for working men would allow women to stay home with their children, who should be in school and not forced to work in factories. Jones is remembered for her fight against child labor, particularly the Children’s Crusade march of children who worked in mills and mines.