What is life like in the Georgia colony?

What is life like in the Georgia colony?

The first English colonists faced a wilderness plagued by insects, heat, and disease. Of the original 144 colonists, nearly one in three died. Wormsloe Plantation near Savannah presents a recreation of the colonists’ way of life with demonstrations of the skills needed to face the challenges of settling the new colony.

What was Georgia like in the 13 colonies?

The warm climate in the Georgia Colony made it much easier for diseases to spread, unlike in the New England Colonies where colder winters made it more difficult to farm year round but made it more difficult for diseases to thrive. Natural resources in the Georgia Colony included timber, agricultural land, and fish.

What were the social classes in Georgia colony?


  • At the top were the wealthy land owners.
  • Next was the middle class, included the workers, such as blacksmiths and other craftsmen.
  • Then comes the farmers.
  • And below the farmers were the enslaved servants and farmhands.

Did children go to school in colonial Georgia?

Children in the Georgia Colony were educated, though their schooling was much different than of children today. Children from lower-class families would sometimes go to grammar school or have an apprenticeship. At grammar schools, boys would learn how to read, write and construct Latin sentences.

Who started Georgia?

James Oglethorpe
In the 1730s, England founded the last of its colonies in North America. The project was the brain child of James Oglethorpe, a former army officer.

What did kids do in Georgia colony?

Both boys and girls would play with spinning tops or do jump rope, scotch hopper (hop-scotch) or pins, which was similar to bowling. They also had board games and battledore, which is similar to badminton.

What was parenting like in the 18th century in Georgia?

The wealthiest Georgians, or those who experienced difficulties breastfeeding, sometimes chose to employ a wet nurse. Family archives show that great care was taken to find women who could be trusted to nurture their young charges. Rearing newborns in the 18th century was seriously hard work, as it is today.

Why did the Georgians keep diaries of their children?

Keenly aware of the perils of childhood, many Georgian parents kept detailed accounts of aches, pains and changes in the temperature of their children, in order to anticipate or prevent illness.

Who was the founder of the colony of Georgia?

In 1733, James Oglethorpe founded the British colony of Georgia. He led 116 colonists to the coast of Georgia and established a settlement that would later become the city of Savannah. Over the next several years, more colonists arrived and the colony of Georgia grew.

How did women in Georgian Britain give birth?

Women gearing up to give birth in Georgian Britain needed all the moral support they could get – and, for centuries, that support had come exclusively from one gender. Throughout the Tudor and Stuart periods, the delivery room was a woman-only zone, populated by female relatives, friends and neighbours offering encouragement and advice.

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