What is Kr 5s2 4d10?

What is Kr 5s2 4d10?

Antimony. (Kr)4d10 5s2 5p3. 4S3/2.

What element is Kr 5s2 4d10 5p4?

3 Answers By Expert Tutors [Kr]5s2 4d10 5p4 is Te (tellerium).

What element is KR 4d7 5s2?

Electronic Configurations of elements in periodic table

1.Hydrogen: 1s1 2 – Helium: 1s2
41 – Niobium: [Kr], 5s2, 4d3 42 – Molybdenum: [Kr], 5s2, 4d4
43 – Technetium: [Kr], 5s2, 4d5 44 – Ruthenium: [Kr], 5s2, 4d6
45 – Rhodium: [Kr], 5s2, 4d7 46 – Palladium: [Kr], 5s2, 4d8
47 – Silver: [Kr], 5s2, 4d9 48 – Cadmium: [Kr], 5s2, 4d10

What element has the electron configuration KR 4d45s2?

Question:38 Molybdenum(Mo) has atomic number 42. Its electronic configuration is [Kr]4d45s2 [Ar]4d5s [Ar]4d6550 [Kr]4d5s.

Which of these elements has an electron configuration of Kr 5s2?

That would be technetium, element 43.

Which element has the following electron configuration Kr 5s2 4d10 5p2?

Learn about DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, and how it is one of the major components of living organisms, playing an important role in all of life’s processes. A covalent bond occurs when two atoms share electrons.

Which element has the outer shell configuration 5s2 5p2?

Tin Facts

Name Tin
Electronic Configuration [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p2
Melting Point 231.93 °C
Boiling Point 2602 °C
Electronic Shell Structure [2, 8, 18, 18, 4]

What group is 5s2?

A main group element with its valence electron configuration of 5s2 is in the fifth periodic group.

What element ends in 5s2?

So, the valence configuration of an antimony atom would be 5s2 5p3.

What does Kr mean in electron configuration?

Kr is the symbol for krypton, which is a noble gas. Its atomic number is 36 and it is located in the fourth row on the periodic table. Noble gases get their name because their outer electron shells are filled.

Which of these elements has an electron configuration of Kr?

List of Electron Configurations of Elements

35 Bromine [Ar]3d104s24p5
36 Krypton [Ar]3d104s24p6
37 Rubidium [Kr]5s1
38 Strontium [Kr]5s2

What element has a valence configuration of 5s2?

antimony atom
So, the valence configuration of an antimony atom would be 5s2 5p3.

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