What is called a half?

What is called a half?

noun, plural halves [havz, hahvz]. one of two equal or approximately equal parts of a divisible whole, as an object, or unit of measure or time; a part of a whole equal or almost equal to the remainder. a quantity or amount equal to such a part (½).

What is a turn and a half?

a 180-degree turn; a direct reversal of direction or orientation, as from front to back or left to right.

What is a half long?

: intermediate in duration between long and short.

Whats a half a day?

A half-day is a day when you work only in the morning or in the afternoon, but not all day.

What is the definition of half for kids?

Kids Definition of half 1 : one of two equal parts into which something can be divided Cut it in half. 2 : a part of something that is about equal to the remainder half the distance. 3 : one of a pair I missed the first half of the game.

How do you use half?


  1. Half the people have already left.
  2. Half of an apple isn’t very much lunch.
  3. Did you use half my sugar?
  4. I will need half of the flour for my cake.
  5. I earned half of that money last summer.
  6. She found half these frogs in the river.
  7. I spent half that time on my project.
  8. You can take half of those books back.

What is a flip called in math?

Flip (Reflection) Flip (Reflection) A flip is a motion in geometry in which an object is turned over a straight line to form a mirror image. Every point of an object and the corresponding point on the image are equidistant from the flip line. A flip is also called a reflection.

What does half turn look like?

A half turn is 180 degrees. Just like whole turns, they can be clockwise or counterclockwise. Here are a few real-world examples of half turns: Walking down a straight hallway, realizing you’re going the wrong way and walking back the other direction.

What does half as long again mean?

half again as long = 50% longer. For example, if the rectangle is 10 centimeters wide, it is 15 centimeters long.

What country says half day?

The Chamorro phrase of the day is “Hafa Adai!” (pronounced as Half A Day), which means hi or hello. “Hafa Adai!” is used the same way as the word “Aloha” in the Hawaiian Islands.

How long is a half day?

In most work situations, the ‘half day’ refers to about 4 hours or 3–3/4 hrs. maybe less one break of 15 minutes that is usually a legal requirement in many jurisdictions.

How do you explain half of a number to a child?

To find one half of a number, divide it by 2. For larger numbers, split them into their tens and ones, halve these separately and then add them together. For example, to find one half of 8, we divide it by 2. Dividing by 2 means to split the total amount into two equal groups.

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