Table of Contents
What is C3 zoning?
A. Purpose and Intent. The heavy commercial (C3) zone district provides areas for intensive service commercial uses primarily of a nonretail nature, some of which require outdoor storage or activity areas. Limited retail and office uses are allowed to the extent that they are compatible with the heavy commercial uses.
What is C2 zoning in Texas?
In a C2 zone within 100 feet of a residential zone, no building shall exceed three stories or 35 feet in height. A building on a corner lot is encouraged to be at least two stories in height. Multistory buildings with residential uses on the upper floor or floors are encouraged in the C2 zone.
What does Zone B 1 mean?
Although zoning designations vary from one municipality to another, the designation B1 usually means that property within the zone must be used for some type of business purpose.
What is R2 zone?
R2 (Residential, Low Density) District. The R2 zoning district identifies areas of the City characterized by low density development. The standards of the R2 zoning district are intended to maintain residential neighborhood character, and to ensure that new development is compatible with the existing character.
What is Zone C1?
PURPOSE. C1 (Neighborhood Commercial) Zone permits neighborhood commercial activities and small-scale freestanding businesses. DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS. Minimum lot size: N/A Minimum lot width: 40 feet Minimum lot depth: 70 feet Setbacks Principal Building: 1.
What is Zone c5?
The Service Commercial (C-5) Zone is established to create, preserve and enhance areas for businesses which serve a regional market with a wide variety of wholesale, distribution and construction-related activities.
What does zoned R6 mean?
What is the R6 zone? The R6 zone or Residential Character Conservation zone is a zone proposed by Council for the Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan. It is the equivalent zone to the LEP 2005 Living Conservation zone with essentially the same land uses and development controls.
What is B1 zoning Charlotte NC?
B-1 – Neighborhood Business – No minimum lot size.
What does Zone C1 mean?
PURPOSE. C1 (Neighborhood Commercial) Zone permits neighborhood commercial activities and small-scale freestanding businesses. DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS. Minimum lot size: N/A Minimum lot width: 40 feet Minimum lot depth: 70 feet Setbacks Principal Building: 1.
What is R4 zone?
High Density Multiple-Family Residential District (R4). The R4 zoning district is intended for areas appropriate for multiple-family residential units. This use is typically located near medium-high density and/or near commercial/office professional uses or arterial streets and highways.
What is C3 zoning Ontario?
Within the Highway Commercial (C3) Zone, no person shall use any land, erect, alter, enlarge, use or maintain any building or structure for any use other than as permitted in this section and also such use, building or structure shall be in accordance with the regulations contained or referred to in this section.