What is another word for Teach?

What is another word for Teach?

Synonyms of teach

  • educate,
  • indoctrinate,
  • instruct,
  • lesson,
  • school,
  • train,
  • tutor.

What is the synonym of decision?

Synonyms & Antonyms of decision

  • award,
  • call,
  • conclusion,
  • deliverance,
  • determination,
  • diagnosis,
  • judgment.
  • (or judgement),

What is decision making synonyms?


  • controlling.
  • decision-making.
  • directing.
  • governing.
  • managerial.
  • managing.
  • ruling.

What is this word teach?

to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in: She teaches mathematics. to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to: He teaches a large class. verb (used without object), taught, teach·ing. to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction.

What is the synonym of learned?

In this page you can discover 93 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for learned, like: erudite, instructed, memorized, ascertained, academic, discovered, ignorant, scientific, cultured, conversant with and literary.

What’s another word for final decision?

What is another word for final decision?

the last word conclusive comment
definitive statement final statement
summation ultimatum

What is the difference between teach and teaches?

As verbs the difference between teach and teaches is that teach is to show (someone) the way; to guide, conduct while teaches is (teach).

What are 3 synonyms for explain?

synonyms for explain

  • analyze.
  • clarify.
  • define.
  • demonstrate.
  • describe.
  • disclose.
  • expound.
  • illustrate.

Should learn synonyms?


  • comprehend.
  • digest.
  • grasp.
  • incorporate.
  • ingest.
  • learn.
  • osmose.
  • sense.

What is a synonym for ultimatum?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ultimatum, like: final offer, demand, offer, term, order, requirement, edict, terms, threat, open-letter and envoy.

Are there any synonyms for the word decision?

Synonyms for decision include choice, option, preference, resolution, conclusion, selection, call, commitment, determination and opinion. Find more similar words at

Are there any synonyms for the word teach?

Some common synonyms of teach are discipline, educate, instruct, school, and train. While all these words mean “to cause to acquire knowledge or skill,” teach applies to any manner of imparting information or skill so that others may learn. taught us a lot about our planet.

Which is the best definition of the decision process?

Decision process is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. In the study Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ) I-II which is developed by Mann et al (1998) is used for the detection of decision making self-esteem and decision making styles of the tennis referees.

When can discipline be used instead of teach?

While all these words mean “to cause to acquire knowledge or skill,” teach applies to any manner of imparting information or skill so that others may learn. When can discipline be used instead of teach? The meanings of discipline and teach largely overlap; however, discipline implies training in habits of order and precision.

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