What is another word for gifting?

What is another word for gifting?

synonyms for gifting

  • donation.
  • endowment.
  • fund.
  • philanthropy.
  • alms.
  • alms-giving.
  • assistance.
  • benefaction.

What is the meaning of Tohfa?

There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Tohfa in English is Gift, and in Urdu we write it تحفہ. The other meanings are Bakhshish, Tohfa and Hadia. By form, the word Gift is an noun. It is spelled as [gift].

Is present synonym of gift?

OTHER WORDS FOR gift 1 donation, contribution, offering, benefaction, endowment, bounty, boon, largess, alms, gratuity, tip, premium, allowance, subsidy, bequest, legacy, inheritance, dowry. 4 faculty, aptitude, capability, bent, forte, genius, turn, knack.

What are small gifts called?

What is another word for small gift?

Christmas present token
trinket Christmas gift
small present stocking stuffer

What are antonyms for gift?

gift. Antonyms: reservation, refusal, wages, purchase, earnings, compensation, remuneration, inanity, stupidity, forfeit, penalty, fine, surrender. Synonyms: donation, present, grant, boon, gratuity, benefaction, endowment, talent, faculty, alms, douceur.

What is the meaning of Topha?

A gift is something that you give someone as a present. suggestions for Christmas gifts. /tohafa, tohafA, tohafaa, tohafā, tohfa, tohfA, tohfaa, tohfā/

What is the Sanskrit word for Inspire?


inspired चोदित
Inspired द्युम्निन्

What are some good words to say in Hindi?

One of the most widely spoken languages in the world and a direct descendant of Vedic Sanskrit, Hindi incorporates elements of Persian, English and Arabic in its present form. Its words have a smooth, pitched sound that makes it a pleasure to hear and easy to pick up. नमस्ते Namaste (nah-mah-stay) / A respectful greeting / I bow to you

How to fall in love with the Hindi language?

11 Beautiful Words to Make You Fall in Love with the Hindi Language नमस्ते Namaste (nah-mah-stay) / A respectful greeting / I bow to you सांझ Saanjh (saanzhh) / Evening जिजीविषा Jijivisha (gg-vee-shaa) / A strong eternal desire to live and continue living मोक्ष Moksha (mohk-shuh) / Liberation, Release or Emancipation

When do you give someone a special gift?

A gift is not just given to someone on Christmas or a birthday, it’s given year round for any special occasion when someone does something special. Gifts can either be tangible or not. In this case, the gift that I got was real. Gift show affection to the people that are loved and gifts are given for a reason.

Which is the Best Greeting Word in India?

Its words have a smooth, pitched sound that makes it a pleasure to hear and easy to pick up. Much like the English ‘Hello!’, Namaste is a courteous way of greeting people in India.

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