What is another term for capital in accounting?

What is another term for capital in accounting?

OTHER WORDS FOR capital 4 principal, investment, assets, stock.

What is the other meaning of capital?

1 : accumulated assets (as money) invested or available for investment: as. a : goods (as equipment) used to produce other goods. b : property (as stocks) used to create income — see also capital stock at stock. — debt capital.

What is the similar of capitals?

Capitals Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for capitals?

caps uncials
majuscules initials
capital letters block capitals

What is Capital simple words?

Capital is a broad term that can describe any thing that confers value or benefit to its owner, such as a factory and its machinery, intellectual property like patents, or the financial assets of a business or an individual. A business in the financial industry identifies trading capital as a fourth component.

What is meant by a capital city?

A capital is a city where a region’s government is located. This is where government buildings are and where government leaders work. A region can be defined as a nation, state, province, or other political unit. In some countries, there are two cities that serve as capitals.

What is the meaning of capital in business?

Capital in business refers to the sum of financial assets required to produce the goods or services it offers to its customers. The funds can be used to initiate business operations, meet the daily operational expenses or even to grow and expand into a larger setup.

What is opposite of capital?

Opposite of a letter of the size and form used to begin sentences and names. lowercase. minuscule. lower-case. lower case.

What are some antonyms for capital?

antonyms for capital

  • additional.
  • auxiliary.
  • extra.
  • inessential.
  • inferior.
  • insignificant.
  • last.
  • lesser.

What is capital with example?

Financial assets that can be liquidated like cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities. Tangible assets such as the machines and facilities used to make a product. Human capital; i.e. the people that work to produce goods and services.

What are some synonyms for capital?

capital(noun) wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value. Synonyms: majuscule, upper-case letter, capital letter, chapiter, cap, working capital, uppercase.

What is a synonym for Capitol?

capital, working capital(noun) assets available for use in the production of further assets. Synonyms: working capital, chapiter, capital letter, upper-case letter, cap, majuscule, uppercase.

What is another word for capitalization?

Synonyms for capitalization. money or property used to produce more wealth. Synonyms. backing. capital. financing. funding. grubstake.

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