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What is another name for New Jersey?
The Garden State
New Jersey/Nicknames
Abraham Browning of Camden is given credit for giving New Jersey the nickname the Garden State. According to Alfred Heston’s 1926 two-volume book Jersey Waggon Jaunts, Browning called New Jersey the Garden State while speaking at the Philadelphia Centennial exhibition on New Jersey Day (August 24, 1876).
What are the cities in New Jersey that start with an A?
Cities in New Jersey that start with A
- Aberdeen.
- Absecon.
- Alexandria.
- Allamuchy.
- Allendale.
- Allenhurst.
- Allentown.
- Alloway.
Why is New Jersey called?
The colonial history of New Jersey started after Henry Hudson sailed through Newark Bay in 1609. The land was officially named New Jersey after the Isle of Jersey in the English Channel. Carteret had been governor of the Isle of Jersey.
What is a typical Jersey girl?
Jersey girl (plural Jersey girls): Noun. A woman, usually from New Jersey, characterized as loud and wearing bright clothing, far too much makeup, big hair and oversized gaudy earrings.
Why is it New Jersey and not Jersey?
The land was officially named New Jersey after the Isle of Jersey in the English Channel. Carteret had been governor of the Isle of Jersey. Berkeley and Carteret sold the land at low prices and allowed the settlers to have political and religious freedom.
Is the state of New Jersey a proper noun?
A proper noun refers to the name of a person, place, or thing. 1. (U.S. state) a. Nueva Jersey I was born in New Jersey, but when I was four my family and I moved to Nevada.Nací en Nueva Jersey, pero cuando tenía cuatro años mi familia y yo nos mudamos a Nevada.
What kind of words do they say in New Jersey?
18 Words You’ll Only Understand If You’re From New Jersey. 1. Down The Shore. Flickr/Simon. 2. Benny. Flickr/A. Duarte. 3. Shoobie. Flickr/Jazz Guy. 4. WaWa. Wikipedia/LancerEvolution. 5. Pork Roll. Wikipedia/Austin Murphy.
Which is the correct way to pronounce Woodbridge NJ?
Out-of-towners tend to say KEER-knee, but the correct pronunciation is CAR-knee. Even some locals pronounce this section of Woodbridge differently. Some say KAYS-bee, and some say KEYS-bee. The correct pronunciation, at least the one being used in modern times, is KAYS-bee, according to the Historical Association of Woodbridge Township.
Which is the correct way to pronounce Gloucester NJ?
Gloucester (Camden & Gloucester counties) Outsiders often pronounce this township, city and county GLOWE-ster, rhyming with cow and wow. And some really butcher it by saying GLOWE-chester. The correct pronunciation is GLAW-ster, rhyming with law and mall.