What is a word for something out of place?

What is a word for something out of place?

Synonyms:unsuitable, inconvenient, improper, unsuited, untoward, untimely, unseemly, unbecoming, inopportune.

What is out of place means?

When you feel out of place, you have a sense that it’s inappropriate for you to be there. A cowboy, for example, would probably feel out of place at a ballroom dance competition. The common phrase out of place is good for describing someone or something that doesn’t quite fit.

How do you use out of place in a sentence?

Her use of the word “hate” seemed out of place. I feel out of place here. I felt out of place in my suit and tie. None of the furniture was out of place.

What does feel left out mean?

: to feel that one is not included in something He always feels left out when his friends talk about sports.

What are substitute words?

In grammar, substitute is used as a noun to refer to a word that serves as a particular kind of replacement. In chemistry, to substitute is to replace one or more elements or groups in a molecule.

How do you use the word substitute?

If you substitute one thing for another, or if one thing substitutes for another, it takes the place or performs the function of the other thing. They were substituting violence for dialogue. He was substituting for the injured William Wales.

What is the word undisciplined mean?

: lacking in discipline or self-control undisciplined behavior an unruly and undisciplined child.

What is a word meaning something out of place?

The definition of out of place is someone or something that doesn’t belong, or something that is not in the correct spot. An example of out of place is a cat in a huge group of dogs. An example of out of place is a vase that has been moved from its spot on the mantel onto the floor.

What does out of place mean?

out of place. The definition of out of place is someone or something that doesn’t belong, or something that is not in the correct spot.

What does it mean to feel out of place?

out of place(adverb) in a setting where one is or feels inappropriate or incongruous. “he felt out of place in the lingerie shop”.

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