What is a sentence for prevent?

What is a sentence for prevent?

Prevent sentence example. The Others want to prevent it. If you had been with them you couldn’t have done anything to prevent the accident. I’m sorry to prevent you from seeing him, but I didn’t know…

How do you use the verb prevent?

Using the verb “to prevent”

  1. You can’t prevent my leaving.
  2. You can’t prevent me from leaving.
  3. I want to prevent his getting sick.
  4. I want to prevent him from getting sick.
  5. This campaign is designed to prevent drowning.
  6. Preventing stealing is our main goal this year.
  7. We are working to prevent forest fires.

How do you use start in a sentence?

Started sentence example

  1. She started to cry.
  2. Carmen started to laugh.
  3. The soldiers started firing without orders.
  4. Taking a deep breath, Carmen started down the stairs.
  5. He started and opened his eyes.
  6. In the spring of 1893 a club was started in Tuscumbia, of which Mrs.

What does Pervent mean?

To pervert something is to corrupt it. Another common use of pervert is as a word for a person who is sexually deviant; however, people also use this word more loosely to describe anyone who seems creepy. Perverting also means changing or subverting something.

What is the noun of preventable?

​​​Upon perusal of the above explanation, it can be concluded that the term ‘Preventative’ is the correct noun form of ‘preventable’. ​Let’s look at the other words as well: Prevent & Prevented (verb forms)- to keep from happening or arising; to make impossible.

What kind of word is prevent?

To stop; to keep (from happening). To come before; to precede.

How do you use obliged in a sentence?

Obliged sentence example

  1. He obliged and handed it to her.
  2. He obliged and she started to sing Happy Birthday.
  3. But I feel obliged to warn you anyway.
  4. Rhyn obliged and stepped back.
  5. She obliged quickly, tensing as she waited for him to finish with her phone.

How do you prevent something?

To prevent something from happening – thesaurus

  1. prevent. verb. to stop something from happening.
  2. stop. verb. to prevent someone from doing something, or to prevent something from happening.
  3. avoid. verb.
  4. interfere with. phrasal verb.
  5. head off. phrasal verb.
  6. avert. verb.
  7. prohibit. verb.
  8. squash. verb.

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