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What is a Plimpth?
Definition of ‘Plymouth’ 1. a port in SW England, in Plymouth unitary authority, SW Devon, on Plymouth Sound (an inlet of the English Channel): Britain’s chief port in Elizabethan times; the last port visited by the Pilgrim Fathers in the Mayflower before sailing to America; naval base; university (1992).
What type of animals is an ursine?
of or relating to a bear or bears.
What is Arborous?
: of, relating to, or formed by trees an arborous roof.
Why are bears called ursine?
Etymology. The English word “bear” comes from Old English bera and belongs to a family of names for the bear in Germanic languages, such as Swedish björn, also used as a first name. Bear taxon names such as Ursidae and Ursus come from Latin Ursus/Ursa, he-bear/she-bear.
What does Plymouth mean in history?
/ ˈplɪm əθ / PHONETIC RESPELLING. noun. a seaport in SW Devonshire, in SW England, on the English Channel: naval base; the departing point of the Mayflower 1620. a city in SE Massachusetts: the oldest town in New England, founded by the Pilgrims 1620. a town in SE Minnesota.
What is the synonym of arboreal?
Head to the Forest to Define Arboreal Some arbor descendants are synonyms of arboreal in the “relating to trees” sense: arboraceous, arborary, arborical, and arborous. Some are synonyms meaning “inhabiting trees”: arboreous and arboricole. Others mean “resembling a tree”: arborescent, arboresque, and arboriform.
Is past tense of bear bore?
Bear, bore, borne The past form is bore and the -ed form is borne: I can’t bear so much football on television. She has borne all her problems with great courage. The verb bear is sometimes used to describe the act of giving birth.Rab. I 21, 1443 AH
Which is the best definition of the term ursine?
Definition of ursine 1 : of or relating to a bear or the bear family (Ursidae) 2 : suggesting or characteristic of a bear a lumbering ursine gait
What is the meaning of the word hircine?
Definition of hircine. : of, relating to, or suggestive of a goat especially : resembling a goat in smell.
Who is the voice actor for the ursine?
— Kraig Becker, Popular Mechanics, 2 Apr. 2019 Its cuddly ursine protagonist (innocently voiced by Ben Whishaw) goes down like a warm cup of tea on a blustery day.
What happens in the last scene of ursine?
A reminiscence of his ursine antecedents appears in the last scene. After her confession, Ursine rises, and bounding again like a doe, runs to rejoin her friends. All the voices, the voice of the merciful canoness excepted, demand with Countess Ursine, “Justice and vengeance!”