What is a crossword addict called?

What is a crossword addict called?

a person who compiles or solves crossword puzzles.

What is a crossword writer called?

Crossword compilers, also known as cruciverbalists, crossword writers, crossword constructors, or crossword setters.

What are people who make riddles called?

Shortz’s use of enigmatologist is as a generic term for someone involved in the science of puzzles. The term enigmatology is a relatively recent coining however, originating around 30 years ago with the American Will Shortz, the only academically-accredited enigmatologist in the world.

How do you become a Cruciverbalist?

The initial point is a love of crosswords and a thrill at doing them yourself. Knowing the ins and outs of crossword puzzle solving is an important part of becoming a cruciverbalist because it helps you to understand what works and does not work in a crossword, and what makes the challenge more interesting.

What do you call someone who loves jigsaw puzzles?

What is a Dissectologist and Why is This Word Used for Puzzle Fans? The definition of dissectologist is a person who enjoys jigsaw puzzle assembly. That is precisely what it means. Jigsaw puzzles prior to and during the 19th century were called dissected maps and also known as dissected puzzles.

What is a 6 letter word for writer?

Writer Crossword Clue

Answer Letters Options
Writer with 6 Letters
NOTARY 6 found
SCRIBE 6 found
AUTHOR 6 found

How much does a crossword compiler earn?

crossword construction probably won’t make you rich. Most constructors work on a freelance basis, on a “per puzzle payment plan,” if you will. The best known crossword publisher, the New York Times, pays $200 to $300 a puzzle, and $1,000 if you land a coveted Sunday spot (source).

How do you become a cruciverbalist?

What does Alterities mean?

: otherness specifically : the quality or state of being radically alien to the conscious self or a particular cultural orientation.

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