What impact did Ida Tarbell have?

What impact did Ida Tarbell have?

As the most famous woman journalist of her time, Tarbell founded the American Magazine in 1906. She authored biographies of several important businessmen and wrote a series of articles about an extremely controversial issue of her day, the tariff imposed on goods imported from foreign countries.

What was the impact of muckraking journalist Ida Tarbell’s History of Standard Oil Company?

The McClure’s magazine journalist was an investigative reporting pioneer; Tarbell exposed unfair practices of the Standard Oil Company, leading to a U.S. Supreme Court decision to break its monopoly.

What made the publication of Tarbell’s History of Standard Oil so important?

The History of the Standard Oil Company is a 1904 book by journalist Ida Tarbell. The History of the Standard Oil Company is credited with hastening the breakup of Standard Oil, which came about in 1911, when the Supreme Court of the United States found the company to be violating the Sherman Antitrust Act.

What was the result of Ida Tarbell’s work?

One result largely attributable to Tarbell’s work was a Supreme Court decision in 1911 that found Standard Oil in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. The Court found that Standard was an illegal monopoly and ordered it broken into 34 separate companies. Bloodied, Rockefeller and Standard were hardly defeated.

Who was The Muckraker that challenged Rockefeller?

Ida Tarbell: The Muckraker that Challenged Rockefeller. – Hagen History Center Ida Tarbell: The Muckraker that Challenged Rockefeller.

What did Margaret Tarbell write about Standard Oil?

Tarbell Exposes The Standard Oil Company. Tarbell never wrote the biography of Roland but she did write biographies of Napoleon Bonaparte and Abraham Lincoln—published shortly after her return to the United States in 1894.

What kind of influence did John D Rockefeller have?

Receiving his bequests they become at least the tacit supporters of the thing for which he stands — that is, John D. Rockefeller exercises a powerful control over the very sources of American intellectual and religious inspiration. Now a man who possesses this kind of influence cannot be allowed to live in the dark.

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