What has more lore Halo or Star Wars?

What has more lore Halo or Star Wars?

Star Wars definitely has more lore. Halo focuses on making things as accurate and consistent as possible, focusing more on the events and the characters’ journey, following their paths and elaborating their views on current major events.

Is Halo like Star Wars?

To answer the title of the post, Halo is like a cross between Star Wars and Call of Duty, but better than both of them.

Who would win the empire of the Covenant?

Ground forces of the Empire vs the Covenant is a bit in favour of the Covenant (Elites have personal shields, Scarab over AT-AT, grunts expendable vs storm troopers expendable is debatable) but in space/air the empire wins (many star destroyers, Death Stars, large amount of Tie Fighters).

Was the UNSC Infinity destroyed?

When the ship arrived in Earth’s orbit, Infinity stood ready as the flagship of Battlegroup Dakota, a detachment of the UNSC Home Fleet. The ship was successfully destroyed, at the cost of Cortana’s life.

Which is better halo or mass effect?

In Mass Effect, choices are nice for players who like RPG elements, but they can greatly affect the sequence of events in each game. While each has its merits, players who really want to be told a story and take it all in during a single playthrough are much better off opting for Halo.

What is the largest ship in Halo?

Specifications. At 5.7 kilometers long, Infinity is the largest ship in the UNSC Navy. It is even longer than a CAS-class assault carrier, which is 5.3 kilometers long from bow to stern.

What is the biggest Covenant ship?

The CSO-Class Supercarrier is the largest ship in the Covenant Navy and has only made a videogame appearance in Halo: Reach. Needless to say, this beast was used at Reach and throughout the Human-Covenant War.

Is Dragon Age or Mass Effect better?

There’s no doubt that Dragon Age has an equally good story, specifically in Origins, but Mass Effect had far better flow between their games. Everything led to the moment when the reapers would arrive, and when they did, it led to some great character moments during Mass Effect 3.

Is Mass Effect better than Star Wars?

It may be a video game, but Mass Effect can easily be considered one of the best science fiction universes around. In fact, it could be argued that it is better than Star Wars in a lot of ways. Both series are great and have their own strengths and weaknesses, and in some areas Mass Effect is just better.

What is the smallest ship in Halo?

The Light capital warship
The Light capital warship is the smallest warship classification in the UNSC, and the Covenant. This class is the most common warship in both fleets.

How big was the fleet that destroyed Reach?

The Fall of Reach was one of the largest deployments of troops and hardware for either side. At least 58,000 land assets were at Reach at the time of the invasion.

What’s the difference between Star Wars and Halo?

The halo series in combat was very strategic, if not everything was strategically planned, Star Wars is different… It was mostly find and kill, go in and attack, Star Wars never implemented many strategy style attacks often. While halo did and used information they learned of the enemy for there advantage.

Are there any Halo characters in other games?

Elements from the Halo universe have also appeared in other games. A Halo-based character, Spartan Nicole-458, appeared in Dead or Alive 4, a product of the collaboration between Tecmo’s Team Ninja and Microsoft’s Bungie.

Which is the last game in the Halo series?

Halo 3 is the final game in the original Halo trilogy, ending the story arc begun in Halo: Combat Evolved. The game was released on the Xbox 360 on September 25, 2007. It adds to the series vehicles, weapons, and a class of items called equipment.

Which is better, the banshee or the Halo?

But the banshee I’d say had better weapons. a lot of land vehicles in Star Wars and halo was roughly the same in terms of Star Wars speeder bike and halos own futuristic covenant hover bike. They may be roughly same give or take I’d think the weapons on the covenants was better. But what really gives this to halo is 2 things

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