What happens when the suitors try to string the bow?

What happens when the suitors try to string the bow?

However, Odysseus is disguised as an old beggar who wants to try Penelope’s contest. What happens when the suitors try to string Odysseus’ bow? Odysseus is able to get the bow from Eumaeus and Telemachus is telling the suitors that he has more power than they do, which causes them to start laughing.

What happens when Odysseus tries to string the bow?

Antinous suggests that the contest be postponed until the next day, but then Odysseus asks if he might give the bow a try, an idea that Penelope strongly supports. Odysseus easily strings the weapon and fires an arrow straight through the axes; then he and Telemachus stand together to face the suitors.

How do the suitors react to Odysseus stringing the bow?

When Odysseus, disguised as an old beggar, says he will try to string the bow, the suitors all vehemently object. They are actually afraid that he will succeed and make them look bad.

Which suitor tries to string the bow first?

Telemachus is the first to try to string the bow, and nearly succeeds.

Why did Odysseus string the bow?

Odysseus then goes outside and reveals his identity to Eumaeus and Philoetius, who promise him their loyalty. Odysseus tells them their part in his plan to slaughter the suitors and goes back to the contest. He strings the bow and shoots his first arrow through the 12 axes and signals Telemachus to begin the slaughter.

Who is the first suitor to try his hand in stringing Odysseus bow what happens to his attempt?

Telemachus then returns to the palace to keep an eye on the suitors and to await his father as the beggar. When Penelope challenges the suitors to string Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow through the handle-holes of twelve axe heads, Telemachus is the first to attempt the task.

Which of the suitors are able to string the bow?

Leiodes the soothsayer, or fortune teller, who hates the suitors, goes first and fails. Antinous then has a fire built, and some fat melted, to heat and grease the bow. Still, the suitors fail one by one to string Odysseus’ bow. The only two suitors who remain are Eurymachus and Antinous himself.

What does the bow symbolize in the Odyssey?

Primarily, the bow symbolizes the physical superiority of the king — an important point in a world in which the mighty prevail. But the bow also symbolizes the maturity and perhaps the character of the king.

Who is the first man to try to string the bow and what is the outcome?

It is Odysseus’ hunting bow, given to him as a gift. What must a contestant do to win the contest? The suitors must shoot an arrow through the holes made of 12 axes. Telemakhos is the first to try to string the bow, and nearly succeeds.

Who was the weakest suitor to string the bow?

Rather than show all 108 suitors attempting to string the bow, Homer compresses the test by having first the weakest and least offensive suitor, Leodes, try and then Eurymachus. When they both fail, the most obnoxious one, Antinous, decides to postpone his attempt till the morning.

What happens to Odysseus when he string the bow?

When Odysseus does string the bow, he wins the contest. This is when he reveals himself to the suitors who realize they are about to die at the hand of the hero Odysseus. Odysseus is alive and well, and he takes back his kingdom.

Why did Eurymachus fail to string the bow?

When everyone returns, Eurymachus has taken the bow, but no matter what he tries, he fails to string it. This upsets him, but only because ”if in strength we fall so short of princely Odysseus that we cannot bend his bow-oh, the disgrace for future times to know!”

How many times does Telemachus fail to string the bow?

For sport, Telemachus attempts to string the bow and fails three times. He is about to succeed on his fourth try when Odysseus privately signals him to back off. The suitors then take their turns, their early efforts failing dismally.

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