What happens if the House and Senate pass similar albeit different bills?

What happens if the House and Senate pass similar albeit different bills?

If the bill is passed by the Senate, both the House and Senate bills are returned to the House with a note indicating any changes. If the Senate has made amendments, the House must vote on the bill again as both Chambers of Congress must agree to identical legislation in order for it to become law.

What happens when the House and the Senate pass two different versions of the same bill?

Ultimately, a law can only be passed if both the Senate and the House of Representatives introduce, debate, and vote on similar pieces of legislation. After the conference committee resolves any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill, each chamber must vote again to approve the final bill text.

What happens if the Senate and House of Representatives pass two different bills on the same topic quizlet?

What happens if the Senate and House of Representatives pass two different bills on the same topic? Congress will meet with the president to agree on one or the other bill. The conference committee will meet and resolve the bills’ differences. The conference committee will meet and resolve the bills’ differences.

What type of committee must meet if the House and Senate pass non identical versions of a bill?

Conference committees operate after the House and the Senate have passed different versions of a bill. Conference committees exist to draft a compromise bill that both houses can accept. Both houses of Congress must eventually pass identical legislation for the bill to be presented to the President.

How does debate in the House and Senate differ?

With four times the membership, the House follows procedures closely and limits debate. Debate is nearly unlimited in the Senate and all members have an opportunity to influence legislation. Senators feel less pressure to move quickly on issues. The Senate does not have a position similar to Speaker.

What happens when the House passes a bill?

If the bill passes by simple majority (218 of 435), the bill moves to the Senate. In the Senate, the bill is assigned to another committee and, if released, debated and voted on. Finally, a conference committee made of House and Senate members works out any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill.

When a bill passes the House and the Senate in two different versions the bill is reviewed by which of the following type of committee?

8. The bill then moves to a conference committee, which is made up of Members from each house. The committee may work out any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. The revised bill is sent back to both houses for their final approval.

When a bill passes the House and Senate in different versions the bill is resolved by which committee?

A conference committee is a temporary joint committee formed to resolve differences between competing House and Senate versions of a measure. Conference committees draft compromises between the positions of the two chambers, which are then submitted to the full House and Senate for approval.

What happens when one House does not agree to the changes the other House makes to a bill quizlet?

The committee cannot add new material to the bill. After the conference committee completes its work, both houses vote on the bill again. The bill usually passes then. Many important decisions and compromises are made in conference committees.

When House and Senate bills differ the bills are sent to?

What is the relationship between the House and the Senate?

Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts. The number of districts in each state is determined by a state’s population. Each state has a minimum of one representative in Congress.

How are the House and Senate similar and different quizlet?

In what ways are the Senate and the House of Representatives similar and different? The Senate has 100 members, two per state. The House has 435, based roughly on states’ population as of the most recent census. Only the Senate can confirm treaties, and confirm or reject presidential appointees.

How are differences between House and Senate bills worked out?

If the Speaker or Leader schedules a bill for a vote, it is then voted on by the entire body of the Chamber. Once it is voted on – and passes – the differences between a House and Senate bill (unless there are companion bills – more on that later) are worked out in “conference”.

How many House members are needed to pass a bill?

Again, a simple majority (51 of 100) passes the bill. Finally, a conference committee made of House and Senate members works out any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. The resulting bill returns to the House and Senate for final approval.

Why do House and Senate have companion bills?

To maximize chance of success of a bill passing, the House and Senate may have “companion” bills, when a Member of Congress and a Senator introduce matching bills. This doesn’t always work, because the membership of the two bodies varies by party and power, as well as by the internal workings of how each of the bodies works with its members.

When does a bill go to the House of Representatives?

When the committee has approved a bill, it is sent—or reported—to the House floor. Once reported, a bill is ready to be debated by the U.S. House of Representatives. When a bill is debated, Representatives discuss the bill and explain why they agree or disagree with it.

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