What feature would you find on an echinoderm?

What feature would you find on an echinoderm?

Echinoderms show radial symmetry and have an endoskeleton and a unique water vascular system. Some have spines. Echinoderms generally reproduce by external fertilization; regeneration is fairly common among echinoderms.

What are the unique features of echinoderms?

First, they all possess five-part radial symmetry around a central disk. Second, they all possess a very unique water vascular system (vascular system based on water). These unique characteristics distinguish echinoderms from other animals in the animal kingdom.

Which are the most distinctive features of an echinoderm?

the most distinctive feature of echinoderms is the presence of water vascular system.

What best describes an echinoderm?

echinoderm, any of a variety of invertebrate marine animals belonging to the phylum Echinodermata, characterized by a hard, spiny covering or skin. Sea cucumbers are elongated soft-bodied echinoderms, while sea urchins are globular and spiny. The adult sea lily is sessile, using tentacles growing from its arms to feed.

What are five features that characterize echinoderms?

Although all living echinoderms have a pentamerous (five-part) radial symmetry, an internal skeleton, and a water-vascular system derived from the coelom (central cavity), their general appearance ranges from that of the stemmed, flowerlike sea lilies, to the wormlike, burrowing sea cucumbers, to the heavily armoured …

Which of the following are key features that characterize amphibians?


  • Amphibians are vertebrates.
  • Their skin is smooth and slimy.
  • Amphibians breath through their skin, as well as their lungs in some cases.
  • Amphibians are cold-blooded.
  • They have a complex life cycle (larval and adult stages).
  • Many species of amphibians vocalize.

Which of the following is the distinctive feature of Hemichordata?

Hemichordata have a true body cavity or coelom. The digestive tract is complete with an anus and can be in the form of a U shaped tube or straight. A buccal diverticulum is present in the proboscis. Body is divided into three regions – Proboscis, Collar and Trunk.

What is an echinoderm give three examples of echinoderms?

Examples of an echinoderm include a starfish, a sand dollar, a brittle star, a sea urchin, and a sea cucumber. There are around 7,000 echinoderm species, and they can range from less than an inch to over three feet in diameter.

Which of the following is a characteristic of adult echinoderm?

Echinoderm Characteristics. An adult echinoderm is radially symmetrical, meaning their body parts extend outward from the mouth. An echinoderm usually has 5 parts, making them pentamerous. Curiously, echinoderm larva are bilaterally symmetrical and must convert to radial symmetry.

What characteristic is unique to echinoderms?

Characteristics of Echinodermata They have a star-like appearance and are spherical or elongated. They are exclusively marine animals. The organisms are spiny-skinned. They exhibit organ level of organization. They are triploblastic and have a coelomic cavity. The skeleton is made up of calcium carbonate. They have an open circulatory system.

What are facts about echinoderms?

Ten Hefty Facts About Echinoderms Echinoderms are invertebrates. Members of phylum Echinodermata which came from the Greek word “spiny skin”. Echinoderms possess specialized structure to protect themselves. Like humans, echinoderms’ epidermis also acts as its first line of defense against potential threat. Echinoderms are capable of regeneration. Echinoderms use water as their blood.

What are the four groups of echinoderms?

Echinoderms are classified into the following five groups. They are Asteroidea (starfish, sea stars), Ophiuroidea (brittle stars), Echinoidea (Sea Urchins), Crinoidea (Feather Stars), and Holothuroidea (Sea Cucumbers). To know briefly about the each classification move on to the page Classification of Echinoderms.

What are the different types of echinoderms?

Echinoderms are a type of invertebrate found in marine or ocean environments. Common echinoderms include the sea star, sea urchin, sand dollar and sea cucumber.

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