What factors account for the collapse of empires?

What factors account for the collapse of empires?

From the collapse of ancient Rome to the fall of the Mayan empire, evidence from archaeology suggests that five factors have almost invariably been involved in the loss of civilizations: uncontrollable population movements; new epidemic diseases; failing states leading to increased warfare; collapse of trade routes …

Why do empires expand?

For an empire to grow, one state has to take control of other states or groups of people. The Maurya Empire in India used a combination of political sabotage, religious conversion, and military conquest to expand its rule. The Romans, although a militaristic society, did not generally set out to conquer territory.

What common factors contributed to the collapse of the Chinese and Roman empires?

While China’s increase in population contributed to the collapse of the empire, the decrease of the Roman population contributed to the fall of the Roman empire. Roman’s decreased in population was caused by the outbreak of smallpox that was picked up from along the silk road.

What factors made it possible for the Mauryan and Gupta empires to unite substantial parts of the subcontinent?

Rivers (Indus and Ganges) provided water and fertile soil.

  • Coastal plains allowed for farming, fishing and trading.
  • Gupta and Mauryan only civilizations able to unite the subcontinent.
  • How does an empire emerge?

    Many empires were the result of military conquest, incorporating the vanquished states into a political union, but imperial hegemony can be established in other ways. The Athenian Empire, the Roman Empire, and the British Empire developed at least in part under elective auspices.

    What makes an empire successful?

    Given a threshold military capability and size, an empire, then, is made great by its science, philosophy, and culture. Monuments are usually good indications of an empire’s achievements for they at once represent wealth, administrative acumen, and technical and aesthetic brilliance.

    What are 3 ways in which the fall of the Roman Empire and the fall of the Han Dynasty similar?

    The fall of the Roman empire and the Han dynasty were similar because both experienced social unrest during their collapse. The fall of Rome and Han China were also similar because they both faced nomadic invasions that greatly contributed to their decline.

    What factors can lead to the rise and fall of empires?

    Whatever the type of empire, there were many factors that influenced the creation, growth and decline of the empires. Those factors include philosophy, political systems, technology, trade, and military developments.

    Which factors in the Gupta empire most helped the growth of learning?

    Ch. 18 SS Class

    Question Answer
    How did the first Gupta ruler form alliances with other rulers? By arranging marriages
    How was the Gupta Empire different from the Mauryan Empire? It gave local areas a lot of independence.
    What factor in the Gupta Empire most helped the growth of learning? Peace and stability.

    What makes it more likely that an empire will be created?

    Factors. These factors make it more likely that an empire will be created. But sometimes empires were created as a direct result of mutual conflict. If two neighbors have different political systems or beliefs, that can make the conquest of one by the other all the more likely.

    Which is a factor in the fall of an empire?

    But all three can be factors in hegemonic empires, because greater technology, trading leverage and military power can be a huge bargaining chip that can be used in coercive ways, allowing countries to exert control over others. Even at the fall of empires, these factors come back into play.

    How are military developments a factor in empires?

    Military developments can be a factor in territorial empires, but all three can be factors in hegemonic empires, because greater technology, trading leverage and military power can be used in coercive ways. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Are you a student or a teacher?

    How are territorial and hegemonic empires created?

    How Empires Are Created: Types of Empires. A territorial empire is an empire that is gained through direct military conquest — an empire taken by direct force. A hegemonic empire, on the other hand, is an empire that is created by exerting influence and coercing other states into doing things.

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