What evidence indicates that the Chinese lost interest in contacts abroad after 1433?

What evidence indicates that the Chinese lost interest in contacts abroad after 1433?

The strict rules governing foreign trade, the cessation of foreign expeditions, and the rejecting of many European envoys, such as Lord Macartney, can be seen as evidence of China’s low interest towards foreign contacts and foreign presence in China.

What do you think the people of other countries thought about China after one of Zheng He’s visits quizlet?

What do you think the people of other countries thought about China after one of Zheng He’s visits? They were rich and powerful and not a country to be reckoned with.

What do you think people of other countries thought of China after Zheng He’s visits?

What do you think the people of other countries thought about China when they were visited on one of Zheng He’s voyages? That China must be very powerful to send so many ships, men, and goods on such a voyage and, therefore, they should pay tribute. How did the Manchus earn the respect of the Chinese?

What factors both within China and outside its borders contributed to the downfall?

What factors, both within China and outside its borders, contributed to the downfall of the Ming dynasty? Ineffective rulers, corrupt officials, and a government that was out of money. Higher taxes and bad harvests pushed millions of peasants toward starvation.

What did the Treaty of Tordesillas reveal about Europeans attitudes toward non European lands and peoples?

What did the Treaty of Tordesillas reveal about Europeans’ attitudes to non-European lands and peoples? It revealed that the non-Europeans were there to be conquered and exploited. What were the motives behind European exploration in the 1400’s?

Why did China isolate itself?

why did China choose to isolate themselves from trade in 1433? in 1433, China was a large country that didn’t need resources from the outside world and their technology was sophisticated enough for their needs. China also stopped their exploration after Zheng He and mercantilism became frowned upon.

What 3 reasons caused Europeans to begin to explore other parts of the world?

There are three main reasons for European Exploration. Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity.

How did Chinese contact with the outside world change during the Ming Dynasty?

The Ming saw China as the most important country in the world. Ming rulers wanted to protect their people from foreign influences so they forbade travel outside China. All contacts with foreigners had to be approved by the government.

How did the alternate attendance policy restrict the Daimyo?

How would the “alternate attendance policy” restrict the daimyo? The alternate attendance policy stated that daimyo had to spend every other year in the capital. Even when they returned to their lands, they had to leave their families behind as hostages in Edo.

What did the actions of Europeans reveal about their attitudes toward non Europeans?

What did the Treaty of Tordesillas reveal about Europeans’ attitudes toward non-European land and peoples? Europeans felt they were superior and they werent willing to change their ways for anyone. they also showed much racism.

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